Empire Speech and Debate is an exclusive speech and debate club that serves local Christian homeschooled students. Through a parent partnership we equip the students of today to be effective world changers and quality leaders of tomorrow.

Speech Debate Juniors

Club Details.



    Students Must:

    *Read and agree to membership terms outlined in the Empire Handbook
    *Be an Active Stoa Member.
    *Agree With Stoa’s Statement of Faith.
    *Be Ages 12 – 18 On October 1st of the Current Season.
    *Be Homeschooled (No Charter Or Private School).
    *Not Be Enrolled Full Time at Any College. Running Start students are permitted.


    Participation and Requirements.

    Empire is a competitive club, not a recreational club. As such, all students who join are expected to attend a minimum of 3 tournaments per year and are required to work toward the goal of competing nationally at the National Invitational Tournament of Champions (NITOC).
    Parent participation is also required. At least one parent should attend club each week and be available to help in coaching and giving feedback to students.
    Parents are also expected to judge or work at tournaments and to help at any tournaments Empire hosts.


    Club Meetings and Schedule

    Empire meets weekly on Tuesdays during the school year, September through May.
    Club time is broken Into multiple segments.
    Segment A
    3:30pm – 5:30pm
    Club Dinner
    5:30pm – 6:00pm
    Segment B
    6:00pm – 8:00pm
    We currently meet at
    The Diaz Residence in Snohomish, WA

    If you are interested in becoming a member of Empire Speech and Debate, please send us a message and we'll contact you.