"As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend." Proverbs 27:17
Next Gen Speech and Debate exists to foster a cooperative community where parents and students come together through weekly meetings to learn, excel, and compete in Stoa Speech and Debate. Based in Parkville, Missouri, with online options available, Next Gen represents the next generation of homeschool speech and debate in the KC area. Our club is coached by an experienced alumni mom, with support from her now grown-up competitors. The plan for 2024 is to work on all speech events for Seniors AND Juniors, LD debate, and Junior Debate. We also hope to delve into Parliamentary Debate and National Online Forensics.
We are a Stoa Speech and Debate club. Our goal is to equip parents to train their children in the art and skill of competitive Speech and Debate. Parents are required to attend, to give feedback to each other's students, run the meetings, and learn all about Speech and Debate. All Families are required to become members Stoa, the national league. We achieve this goal through weekly meetings and fellowship with each other! Coaches: Janine and Adam Wilkins
Spring 2025 Club Meetings are every Tuesday Starting January 14, 2025
$150 per family, $35 for families with Juniors only. (Juniors are under age 12 on Oct. 1, 2024) (if tuition is an issue please contact us)
Earlybird discount: Pay $125 if you register by September 30.