
Stoa Club Directory

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This information is for club membership inquiry only. Do not contact clubs for sales purposes.

Speech Debate Juniors

Made new in Christ, moved from Death to Life, we are excited to represent Christ both at Stoa Tournaments and in the world around us.

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Speech Debate

We desire to teach students to enhance their communication and critical thinking skills through speech and debate competitions. Our goal is to enable students to...

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  • +6
Speech Debate Juniors

"But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for...

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  • +11
Speech Debate Juniors

Dynamis Speech & Debate was founded in 2020 by Josh and Robin Axelberd who have been involved in Stoa since 2013. Dynamis is the Greek...

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Speech Debate Juniors


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Speech Debate Juniors

Speech and Debate Club in Highland, California.

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Speech Debate Juniors

ELEVATE is a competitive homeschool speech and debate club that helps students improve their communication skills for the purpose of becoming godly articulators first, preparing...

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Empire Speech and Debate is an exclusive speech and debate club that serves local Christian homeschooled students. Through a parent partnership we equip the students...

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  • +6
Speech Debate Juniors

Speech and Debate Club in Poway, CA

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Speech Debate

Ephesians 4:29 exists to help students learn the skills necessary to confidently share their faith. Our goal is to prepare students to be resolute in...

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Speech Debate Juniors

Ex Nihilo is a non-profit and independent forensics (speech and debate) club, training students to Speak – Defend – Proclaim the general and specific revelation...

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  • +31
Speech Debate Juniors

EXCELLENCE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY extends our commitment to providing quality educational experiences to homeschool students in grades 4 through 12. Our academy offers a diverse range...

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Speech Debate Juniors

Small but mighty!

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Speech Juniors

F5 provides students with speech and debate training and experience with a Christ-centered focus to sharpen their skills for God's glory!

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Speech Debate

The name of the club is inspired by the biblical symbolism of "fire and winds," which represent the powerful and transformative nature of communicating God's...

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