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Once upon a time there was a kid who got really into speech and debate world after learning about Team Policy. He dragged his mom...
C.O.M.M.A.N.D. AZ Speech and Debate club is attended by a group of homeschool families that come together to learn the life skills of speech and...
We are a parent-led and run debate club, established in 1997, supporting team policy and parliamentary debate. Our club philosophy is centered on the pursuit...
We are a small but active club that requires participation in multiple speech events. At this time, we are only coaching LD debate. We require...
Christian homeschoolers from the Austin area who enjoy speech events and parli debate, the latter of which is exclusive to Stoa
We are a covenant Christian community united in our desire to educate children from a biblical worldview and to see them learn to love the...
Contend is going into its 13th year for the 2024-2025 season and we LOVE the Stoa community! Our Director, Danny Lyda, was just a Dad...
We're a small club meeting in Bonham, Texas (formerly Via Sapientiae, or Wisdom's Way).
D.E.B.A.T.E Club: Disciples Engaging Boldly and Truthfully Everywhere
Made new in Christ, moved from Death to Life, we are excited to represent Christ both at Stoa Tournaments and in the world around us.
We desire to teach students to enhance their communication and critical thinking skills through speech and debate competitions. Our goal is to enable students to...