NIHD (CA) - Feb 19-21, 2025 | Status: Completed | 3:54 AM Pacific
Community Judge registration will open at 12:00 pm Wed 01/08/2025 (Pacific)
Tournament Status will update to Drops only at 11:59 pm Fri 01/24/2025 (Pacific)
Meal registration will close at 11:59 pm Fri 01/31/2025 (Pacific)
Tournament Status will update to Open at 7:33 am Mon 02/10/2025 (Pacific)
Tournament Status will update to Closed at 3:23 pm Tue 02/11/2025 (Pacific)
Community Judge registration will close at 12:00 pm Mon 02/24/2025 (Pacific)
This status is used while the tournament is still being setup.
This status means tournament registration is open. Families can register for the tournament.
This status means only registration drops are allowed. There are no new entries allowed but families can drop entries.
This status means registration is currently closed for the tournament. There are no adds or drops allowed. Please contact the tournament director with any questions.
This status means the tournament is completed.
Script Submission
Submit Scripts Here: Act of Valor 2025 Script Submission Form
Fast Track Approval:
If you had your script approved at Christmas Colloquium, Desert Gem, or Inland Empire Challenge, please send your approval email with your full script and updated script submission page. Please have Act of Valor listed as your tournament.
Scripts will be accepted electronically by the following deadlines:
Script Submission Open: January 8th 12:00pm PST
Script Submission Earlybird Deadline: January 28th 11:59pm PST
Script Submission Close: Feburary 11th 5:00pm PST (No late submissions will be accepted)
This will give our script submission team time to review your scripts and enable you to make changes if they are necessary. No scripts will be accepted after this date, and you will be dropped from the event.
Who: Competitors who are entered in the following events must submit scripts for approval before competing:
Interpretative Speeches: Dramatic, Duo, Humorous, and Open
Platform Speeches: Original Oratory, Persuasive, Expository
Wildcard Speech: Slam Poetry
All script submissions must be completed by the deadline above. You will receive a confirmation email once your script has been received and approved. Please save a copy of this confirmation email on your phone or print it out to have with you at check-in.
How to Electronically Submit Your Script: Follow the steps itemized below.
To SAVE TIME and get it right the first time, click here for the "7 Steps to Rapid Review and Approve" video.
1. READ the RULES for your speech type
2. READ SCRIPT PREP Instructions which are found on the first page of the script submission forms. These forms can be found at Submission Forms
3. PREPARE your SCRIPT SUBMISSION FORM with your parent or coach. Include initials and signatures. BE SURE "Act of Valor" is listed as the tournament.
4. COMBINE each speech package into A SINGLE FILE in PDF only. Scan into a single file or use a file joiner such as:
~ PDFsam Which downloads free to your computer
~ PDFmerge Which allows you to merge via the website
~ To make PDF's of printed docs with your phone, search your app store for "PDF Scanner App"
Note: NAME YOUR FILES as follows: LastName, FirstName - event.pdf
SPEECH PACKAGE, combined into ONE FILE, must include:
• Script Submission form: Signed and initialed
• Typed Script: Platform speeches must include Citation Page, in-text, and oral citations.
• For Interp only – Copy of original source: Only include pages from which words were taken. Check that: pages right side up, words used highlighted, & added words written, pasted, or typed in.
Please use only this link to submit scripts for AoV: Act of Valor 2025 Script Submission Form
If you do not receive an e-mail acknowledging a successful upload within 24 hours, then please follow up with an email to
Questions? Contact:
Script approval: Once your files are uploaded our script approval team will review your script. Upon approval, you will be sent a script approval email.
You do not need to bring printed copies of scripts as the electronic copy will be available.
Individual Policy Rules/Instructions
Resolved: The United States Federal Government should substantially reform its policy on healthcare.
Speech Times:
8min - 1AC
3min - CX
8min - 1NC
3min - CX
4min - 1AR
6min - NR
3min - 2AR
3mins - prep time. Each side gets 3mins of prep total.
Instructions and Rules
The Junior Tournament - Rules, Details, and Topics
Junior Apologetics:
Why did Jesus die on the cross?
What does salvation mean and why is it important?
What are the fruits of the Holy Spirit and why are they important?
Why should we pray?
What are the Ten Commandments and why are they important?
What does it mean to forgive?
How does God command us to live?
Why is it important to read the Bible?
What is the Gospel?
How can someone get to heaven?
What is creation?
What is sin?
What is grace?
What is heaven?
Junior Impromptu Topics:
What is your favorite sport and why?
Who is your favorite historical character and why?
What is your favorite book and why?
What is your favorite day of the week and why?
What is your favorite season and why?
What is your favorite color and what does it remind you of?
Who do you want to be like when you grow up and why?
What is your favorite movie and why?
What is your favorite place to go and why?
Tell Me a Story About…
Tell me a story about your favorite birthday…
Tell me a story about the best vacation you’ve been on…
Tell me a story about a time in history…
Tell me a story about a memory with your family…
Tell me a story about your favorite school project…
Tell me a story about a dream you had…
Tell me a story about your favorite thing to do with your friends…
Tell me a story about a missionary…
Tell me a story about a time you solved a problem…
"A day without a friend is like a pot without a single drop of honey left inside." - Winnie the Pooh
"How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard." - Winnie the Pooh
"It never hurts to keep looking for sunshine." - Winnie the Pooh
"Any day spent with you is my favorite day. So, today is my new favorite day." - Winnie the Pooh
"A little consideration, a little thought for others, makes all the difference." - Winnie the Pooh
"We didn’t realize we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun." - Winnie the Pooh
"Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there someday." - Winnie the Pooh
"When life throws you a rainy day, play in the puddles." - Winnie the Pooh
We greatly appreciate our wonderful staff and we would love to introduce you to them!
Tournament Director: Griffith Vertican
Tournament Admin & Registrar: Charis Baker
Tab Lead:
Ballot Return Lead: Caryl Jones
Ballot Push Lead:
Hospitality Lead:
Script Submission Lead: Charis Baker
Facilities Lead:
QualifyingDramatic Interpretation
QualifyingHumorous Interpretation
QualifyingOpen Interpretation
QualifyingDuo Interpretation
QualifyingMars Hill
QualifyingOriginal Oratory
QualifyingSlam Poetry
QualifyingLincoln Douglas
QualifyingTeam Policy
QualifyingParliamentary Debate
QualifyingJunior Apologetics
JuniorsJunior Impromptu
JuniorsJuniors Platform
JuniorsForged from the fires of COVID-19, the Act of Valor returns for its fifth year! (see origin story below) This is a NITOC qualifying tournament offering Team Policy, Lincoln Douglas, Parliamentary, Individual Policy, Speech events, and Juniors! We have one or two-day options: on Wednesday we will have 6 rounds of Parli + Semifinals; on Thursday and Friday, we will cover TP/LD and all the speech events, and on Friday afternoon we will have Juniors. Check below for more details on Individual Policy and Junior Events. We will honor the Tournament Champion with the Sword of the Spirit (based on Eph. 6) - with a special ceremony sword.
Registration Opens on Wednesday, January 8th at 12:00 pm PST (see deadlines below).
Location: The River Christian Reformed Church // 459 E Highland Ave, Redlands, CA 92373
Speech: $25/event
Debate: $55/event
Juniors: $15/event
Late Fee: $25 fee added to late registration from January 24th - January 31st
Drop Fee: $25 drop fee per event dropped February 1st - February 18th
Tournament Champion Award: Sword of the Spirt (3 of 4 of the Armor of God series)
Open Registration: January 8th 12:00pm PST - January 23rd 11:59pm PST
Late Registration ($25 late fee): January 24th - January 31st
Deadline to Drop with a Full Refund: January 23rd
Deadline to Drop without a fee: January 31st
Meals Deadline: January 31st
Drop Fee ($25/event): February 1st - February 18th
Script Submission Open: January 8th 12:00pm PST
Script Submission Earlybird Deadline: January 28th 11:59pm PST
Script Submission Close: February 11th 5:00pm PST (No late submissions will be accepted)
Schedule: We will be offering Parli Prelims & Semis on Wednesday, with TP/LD, Speech, and Parli Finals Thursday and Friday.
Judging: EACH registered family needs to have a parent judging for them every day of the tournament, judging every other round/pattern. Students will need to have their judge physically with them at check-in and for the duration of the tournament. Thank you for your assistance in keeping our tournament running on time. Please plan on judging every other round, and check with the ballot push table 45-30 minutes before each round to see what the judging needs are for the upcoming round. The Ballot Push Team will be happy to see you!
Meals: You can order meals for Lunch on Wednesday and Thursday, Dinner on Thursday, and Lunch on Friday! Check the Meals Tab for more details. Please order by January 31st.
Payment: Registration is not complete until your fees have been paid. This can be done automatically at the end of the registration process.
Note: Speech Patterns are potentially subject to change
Speech A
Dramatic Interpretation
Humorous Interpretation
Open Interpretation
Speech B
Duo Interpretation
Mars Hill
Original Oratory
Slam Poetry
Please contact Charis Baker at if you have any questions!
Origin Story of AoV:
Like its name says the Act of Valor tournament really began as an act of courage, which originally came about in response to the Covid draconian lockdown rules that were shutting down most of the other tournaments during the years of 2020 - 2022. The list of tournaments we would eventually offer would include the Last Act of Valor, C4, and prologue. The biggest need was finding a facility willing to host the tournaments, so after an exhaustive search and with the Lord's favor Coach Griffith was able to secure facilities by teaming up with good folks from Awaken Church, Providence College, and Twin Peaks Conference Center. We initially faced serious opposition (mostly from outside of Stoa) including the threat of potential arrest and personal liability lawsuits. Still, by God's grace, we were able to persevere and host successful and safe events.