Tournament Time
3:54 AM Pacific

The 5th Annual ACT OF VALOR! 

February 19-21, 2025

Forged from the fires of COVID-19, the Act of Valor returns for its fifth year!  (see origin story below) This is a NITOC qualifying tournament offering Team Policy, Lincoln Douglas, Parliamentary, Individual Policy, Speech events, and Juniors! We have one or two-day options: on Wednesday we will have 6 rounds of Parli + Semifinals; on Thursday and Friday, we will cover TP/LD and all the speech events, and on Friday afternoon we will have Juniors. Check below for more details on Individual Policy and Junior Events. We will honor the Tournament Champion with the Sword of the Spirit (based on Eph. 6) - with a special ceremony sword.

Registration Opens on Wednesday, January 8th at 12:00 pm PST (see deadlines below).

Location: The River Christian Reformed Church // 459 E Highland Ave, Redlands, CA 92373

Speech: $25/event
Debate: $55/event
Juniors: $15/event

Late Fee: $25 fee added to late registration from January 24th - January 31st
Drop Fee: $25 drop fee per event dropped February 1st - February 18th

Tournament Champion Award: Sword of the Spirt (3 of 4 of the Armor of God series) 

Open Registration: January 8th 12:00pm PST - January 23rd 11:59pm PST
Late Registration ($25 late fee): January 24th - January 31st
Deadline to Drop with a Full Refund: January 23rd
Deadline to Drop without a fee: January 31st
Meals Deadline: January 31st
Drop Fee ($25/event): February 1st - February 18th

Script Submission Open: January 8th 12:00pm PST
Script Submission Earlybird Deadline: January 28th 11:59pm PST
Script Submission Close: February 11th 5:00pm PST (No late submissions will be accepted)

Schedule: We will be offering Parli Prelims & Semis on Wednesday, with TP/LD, Speech, and Parli Finals Thursday and Friday.

Judging: EACH registered family needs to have a parent judging for them every day of the tournament, judging every other round/pattern. Students will need to have their judge physically with them at check-in and for the duration of the tournament. Thank you for your assistance in keeping our tournament running on time. Please plan on judging every other round, and check with the ballot push table 45-30 minutes before each round to see what the judging needs are for the upcoming round. The Ballot Push Team will be happy to see you!

Meals: You can order meals for Lunch on Wednesday and Thursday, Dinner on Thursday, and Lunch on Friday! Check the Meals Tab for more details. Please order by January 31st.

Payment: Registration is not complete until your fees have been paid. This can be done automatically at the end of the registration process.

Note: Speech Patterns are potentially subject to change
Speech A

Dramatic Interpretation
Humorous Interpretation
Open Interpretation

Speech B
Duo Interpretation
Mars Hill
Original Oratory
Slam Poetry

Mars Hill Categories:
Classic Music
Current Film and Television

Apologetics Categories: 
Category 1 - The Character and Nature of God
Category 3 - Scripture
Category 5 - Christian Worldview Application

Please contact Charis Baker at if you have any questions!

Origin Story of AoV:

Like its name says the Act of Valor tournament really began as an act of courage, which originally came about in response to the Covid draconian lockdown rules that were shutting down most of the other tournaments during the years of 2020 - 2022. The list of tournaments we would eventually offer would include the Last Act of Valor, C4, and prologue. The biggest need was finding a facility willing to host the tournaments, so after an exhaustive search and with the Lord's favor Coach Griffith was able to secure facilities by teaming up with good folks from Awaken Church, Providence College, and Twin Peaks Conference Center. We initially faced serious opposition (mostly from outside of Stoa) including the threat of potential arrest and personal liability lawsuits. Still, by God's grace, we were able to persevere and host successful and safe events.

See we believe that in-person tournaments are critical to motivating students to work hard and a necessary opportunity for fellowship and building life-long friendships. At our awards ceremony, we always make it a point to challenge students to be courageous Christians who live out their own acts of valor by courageously sharing their faith and living a life that pleases the Lord (aka moral excellence). To that end, we thank you for your support and prayer, as we strive to make this AoV the best one yet.