WD40 (CO) - Mar 18-21, 2025 | Status: Open | 2:27 PM Mountain
Community Judge registration will open at 8:00 am Tue 01/28/2025 (Mountain)
Tournament Status will update to Open at 8:00 am Wed 02/19/2025 (Mountain)
Late fee will be applied at 11:59 pm Tue 02/25/2025 (Mountain)
Meal registration will close at 12:00 pm Wed 03/12/2025 (Mountain)
This status is used while the tournament is still being setup.
This status means tournament registration is open. Families can register for the tournament.
This status means only registration drops are allowed. There are no new entries allowed but families can drop entries.
This status means registration is currently closed for the tournament. There are no adds or drops allowed. Please contact the tournament director with any questions.
This status means the tournament is completed.
Meals at CDC for competitors, judges and parents
will be provided by Mrs. Maggie Carabelos.
We are pleased to offer delicous food to our competitors, parents, and judges. Check out our offerings below.
In addition to meals, our Judges Lounge will offer a variety of tasty treats and refreshments for our hard-working judges.
Host Housing
A limited amount of host housing is available for CDC on a first-come, first-served basis.
To inquire, please email our host housing coordinator, Mrs. Jan Williams at ccofapplewood@gmail.com.
Please include this information:
Number and gender of adults
Number, gender and ages of each student
Allergies to animals or foods
Arrival and Departure dates
Any other relevant information
Welcome to the Script Submission for
Nebraska: Cornfield Clash 2025
Colorado: Continental Divide Challenge 2025
This is a unique TWO-FOR-ONE opportunity to submit ONCE and be approved for BOTH!! Or, submit your script here if you plan to attend only one of these tournaments. Either way, there is only ONE submission process for both of these tournaments.
PLEASE READ ALL THE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW AND MAKE SURE YOUR SCRIPTS ADHERE TO ALL GUIDELINES BEFORE SUBMITTING. Also, when clicking on the submission form, please read the form carefully and make sure you are selecting the appropriate tournament option(s).
WHO needs to submit scripts? Competitors who are entered in all Interpretive, Platform, and Wild Card speeches.
· Interpretive Speeches: Dramatic, Duo, Humorous, Open
· Platform Speeches: Expository, Original Oratory, Persuasive
· Wild Card Speech: Slam Poetry
Script Submission Opens: Tuesday, February 25, 2025, 10am (MST)
Script Submission Closes: Thursday, March 6, 2025, 11pm (MST)
Approval Deadline: All scripts MUST be approved on or before Monday, March 10, 2025, 7:00pm (MST) in order to be eligible for competition in that event.
ALL scripts MUST be submitted electronically by the above closure date AND approved on or before the approval deadline. NO LATE SCRIPTS WILL BE ACCEPTED. Additionally, except for minor edits, NO script changes or resubmissions are allowed once your script has been approved. Scripts not in compliance by the approval deadline will be dropped from that event with no refund.
Our reviewers communicate via email, so it is imperative that you check your email frequently once you have submitted. You will only have 24 hours to make your necessary corrections and resubmit your script for approval. Please be respectful of this timeframe and prompt in working with your reviewer.
HOW can I be make sure my speeches are submitted correctly? Follow all of the guidelines below, using the HELPS provided, and you will be on your way to a speedy approval!
1. WATCH this TUTORIAL, YES, even if you've watched it in the past. Knowing EXACTLY what to do simplifies the review/approval process for your reviewer and you!
2. READ THE RULES for your event.
· Dramatic Interpretation Rules
· Humorous Interpretation Rules
Submission Rules & Forms - 2024-2025
· Duo Interpretation Script Submission 2024-2025
· Dramatic Interpretation Script Submission 2024-2025
· Humorous Interpretation Script Submission 2024-2025
· Open Interpretation Script Submission 2024-2025
· Platform Script Submission 2024-2025
· Slam Poetry Submission 2024-2025
4. Prepare your script and submission form WITH your parent or coach. Include ALL initials and ALL signatures. Submission forms MUST have the current tournament listed. In this case, CORN, CDC, or CORN & CDC.
5. COMBINE each speech into a SINGLE file in PDF format only. You may scan into single file or use a file joiner. We recommend the App, Genius Scan, for scanning from your phone and the file joiner, ADOLIX, which is a free download to your computer.
REMINDER: Please title your file correctly, using the instructions given on the TUTORIAL.
6. When you have completed all of the above, you may submit your script(s) HERE (link will be active on Tuesday, February 25, 10:00am MST).
HELP RESOURCES for Script Submission:
Patterns will be determined and posted once registration closes.; this takes some time. Thanks for your patience!
2025 Junior "Just for Fun!" Tournament
For ages 6-11 as of October 1 of the Stoa competition year
Friday, March 21st, 2025
Cost and Registration:
The $25 entry fee includes up to 3 events and lunch. Each student may register for a maximum of 1 Interpretation and a maximum of 1 Platform speech. Duo Interp does not count towards the (1) interp limit since it is its own event with its own ballot.
**Please order a lunch on the meals page. There is no cost, but ordering lunch will give us an accurate count. Gluten free is available.**
Competition Format:
There will be three rounds. Patterns will be determined after registration closes.
Schedule Begins 10:00 AM
• 10:00-10:30 Student Check-In
• 10:30-11:00 Student Orientation
• 11:00-1:00 Round 1
• 1:00-1:30 Lunch (provided)
• 1:30-3:30 Round 2
• 3:30-5:30 Round 3
• Dinner Break (not provided)
• 7:00-7:30 Awards
6 Speech Events (Note 3 Event Maximum per Student):
1 - Impromptu (2 min prep, 3 min speech, otherwise Stoa format)
2 - Duo Interpretation (6 min speech, otherwise Stoa format)
3 - Platform (1 Max Registration, 6 min speech, CDC format, Expos, OO, Pers)
**Expos, OO, Pers are combined into 1 Platform ballot for CDC
4 - Interp (1 Max Registration, 6 min speech, CDC format, DI, HI, OI)
**DI, HI, OI are combined into 1 Interp ballot for CDC
5 - Sales Pitch Impromptu (1 min prep, 1 min speech, CDC format)
6 - Duo Impromptu (3 min prep, 3 min speech, CDC format)
Note that it is acceptable if students have previously memorized speeches that exceed 6 minutes as penalties will not be assessed.
Stoa Format Events:
Impromptu Jr Ballot
Impromptu Jr Rules
Duo Interp Jr Ballot
Duo Interp Jr Rules
CDC Format Events:
Platform Jr Ballot
Platform Jr Rules
Interp Jr Ballot
Interp Jr Rules
Sales Pitch Ballot
Sales Pitch Rules
Duo Impromptu Jr Ballot
Duo Impromptu Jr Rules
Script Submission:
There is no script submission for this tournament.
Dress Code:
The dress code is flexible. We recommend the Stoa NITOC dress code - but it is not required.
Duo Impromptu Partners:
If you want to participate (but don't have a partner) and are prepared to cheerfully partner with whomever is available, please email our Registrar, Gina DeRosa, at cdc.signup@gmail.com to let her know. Indicate that your JUNIOR Duo Imp student is in need of a partner. The system will not let you register with "TBD" or by leaving the partner field blank. Once we get you a match, both of you can register for the event.
Parent judges are needed in every round of the tournament to maintain its integrity and ensure the tournament runs on schedule. The judging requirement is based on the student's number of speech and debate events. If the judging requirement cannot be met by a competitor's parent(s), the competitor can arrange for a substitute judge(s) to fulfill the requirement. Students attending with a chaperone must still meet the parent judging requirment by having the chaperone register to judge or another substitute judge.
All speech competitors are required to provide a judge for a minimum of two rounds for every speech event they are registered for. For example, if you register for three speech events, then you are required to provide judges for a minimum of six rounds.
All Debate competitors are required to judge two rounds for every debate event for which they are registered.
Clubs are encouraged to work together to fulfill the judging requirements for their members.
The Continental Divide Challenge will offer all forms of Stoa speech and debate events, plus Duo Impromptu.
Parliamentary Debate - Parliamentary Debate (Parli) is an extemporaneous form of debate with rotating topics that asks competitors to develop and defend positions on a wide range of issues. A Parli debate round consists of two teams, the Government team and the Opposition team, with two competitors on each team. Competitors receive a resolution to debate and are given 20 minutes to prepare for the debate and walk to the competition room.
Lincoln Douglas Values Debate - Lincoln Douglas Debate (LD) asks competitors to examine competing value systems to answer big questions. An LD round is a one-on-one debate between the Affirmative competitor and the Negative competitor.
The Lincoln Douglas Debate Resolution for CDC is:
Resolved: In U.S. law enforcement, accountability ought to be prioritized over effectiveness.
Debate Period: March 10, 2025-NITOC 2025
Team Policy Debate - Team Policy Debate (TP) asks competitors to develop and defend competing policy options to address contemporary problems. A TP Debate round consists of two teams, an Affirmative team and a Negative team, debating against each other. Each team is comprised of two competitors.
Resolved: The United States Federal Government should substantially reform its policy on healthcare.
Limited Preparation Speeches
Competitors get a limited time to prepare for a speech on a topic that is given to them at the speech event. Preparation before the tournament is described in the event rules.
Apologetics - In Apologetics, the competitor is given four minutes to prepare a speech that defends a tenet of the Christian faith. The speaker crafts a speech to reach those curious, not in agreement, or Biblically uninformed with persuasiveness and reasoning. Competitors will be motivated to study, articulate, and defend the core issues of their faith in a knowledgeable, sincere, gentle, and respectful manner.
Mars Hill - Mars Hill is a speech event that trains students to connect culture and Christianity. Students learn how to identify the universal themes contained in various classic and popular artistic genres (books, movies, songs, etc.) and discuss the relationship of those themes to the Biblical truths of Christianity and God’s work in the world. The name of this event is taken from the Apostle Paul’s speech in Athens in Acts 17 where he uses Greek cultural ideas to find common ground to make a connection to Christ. As this name implies, the goal of this event is to use cultural references to draw the listener to the truths of Christianity.
Impromptu - Impromptu speaking is a very practical speech event in which students draw three random topics from which to choose a topic to speak on in this limited preparation event. They may prepare for two minutes and speak without the assistance of notes or props for a maximum of five minutes.
Extemporaneous - In Extemporaneous speaking the competitor answers a given question based on a recent event in the news. The competitor, alone or as part of a club, researches national and international current events and may create reference files of newsworthy information. Competitor develops themselves a well-informed student who can critically evaluate current issues by expressing his position on a given question.
Interpretive Speeches
In all interpretive events, competitors write, or select and analyze literature, then bring it to life through the creative use of voice, movement, and facial expression, without the aid of costumes or props.
Humorous Interpretation - In Humorous Interpretation the competitor creates an amusing, original rendition from a single piece of literature which captivates and entertains the audience. Stand-up comedy, or telling a series of jokes without a corresponding plot, is not Humorous Interpretation. Speakers select and analyze literature, then bring it to life through the creative use of voice, movement, and facial expression.
Dramatic Interpretation - In Dramatic Interpretation the competitor creates a serious, original rendition from a single piece of literature which captivates and moves the audience. Speakers select and analyze literature, then bring it to life through the creative use of voice, movement, and facial expression
Open Interpretation - In Open Interpretation the competitor creates an original rendition from a selection or selections of prose or poetry (including unpublished work) which captivates and moves the audience. Speakers select and analyze literature, then bring it to life through the creative use of voice, movement, and facial expression.
Duo Interpretation - In Duo Interpretation two competitors create an original rendition from a single selection of literature which captivates and moves the audience. Speakers select and analyze literature, then bring it to life through the creative use of voice, facial expression, and movement without interacting face-to-face.
Platform Speeches
A prepared speech, written by the competitor with the purpose of informing, exposing, or persuading on a topic.
Expository Speaking - An Expository speech is a prepared speech, written by the competitor, which explains or “exposes” a topic usually with the help of visual aids. The goal is to develop a winsome, polished, speaker who can present a creative, well-organized speech while efficiently employing audio/visual aids or props.
Original Oratory - An Original Oratory is a prepared speech, written by the competitor, on a topic of the speaker’s choice. The goal is to develop a polished, winsome speaker who can present an engaging, well-organized speech on any topic.
Persuasive Speaking - A Persuasive speech is a prepared speech, written by the competitor, which advocates a specific position or course of action. The goal is to develop a polished, winsome speaker who can state a clearly-worded position supported by convincing arguments and well-researched support.
Wild Card Event
New and unique speech events that are offered on a rotation meant to challenge competitors in their preparation and presentation skills.
Slam Poetry - A thematic presentation of poetry that brings the meaning to life through creative expression
CDC-Only Event:
Duo Impromptu - Unique to this tournament! It is a non-NITOC and just for fun event incorporating teamwork, limited preparation, and interpretative skills. Teams of two will have a limited time to prepare and deliver a performance on a topic or scenario provided to them at the event.
Duo Impromptu
This is a non-NITOC and just for fun event incorporating teamwork, limited preparation, and interpretative skills. Teams of two will have a limited time (3 min) to prepare and deliver a performance (3 min) on a topic or scenario provided to them at the event.
Duo Impromptu Partners:
If you want to participate (but don't have a partner) and are prepared to cheerfully partner with whomever is available, please email our Registrar, Gina DeRosa, at cdc.signup@gmail.com to let her know. Indicate that you are a VARSITY Duo Imp student in need of a partner. The system will not let you register with "TBD" or by leaving the partner field blank. Once we get you a match, both of you can register for the event.
Duo Impromptu is an "extra" event and does not count towards the 6 event limit in speech. It will be scheduled during Pattern A or B, once we have a better understanding of registration (likely to be in the opposite pattern from Duo Interp).
Example Scenario Prompts
1 - A boy and girl are hiking through the woods at night and notice a glowing, gold necklace hanging from a tree...
2 - Three horses walk into a restaurant and ask for a table, the hostess (a goat) says to them…
3 - A man and woman are riding on a tandem bike, when suddenly the woman begins to float up into the air…
4 - Three mice are trapped by a cat, when suddenly the three mice draw their swords…
5 - Two 10 year old boys in Russia are digging tunnels in the snow when…
6 - A prisoner in a medieval dungeon hears a scratching noise coming from the wall of his cell…
All students must be chaperoned at all times by a parent or adult chaperone who is 21 years or older.
If a student is attending any part of the tournament with a chaperone other than a parent or legal guardian, the parent or legal guardian must complete this Medical Release Form. Chaperones must carry this form and accompanying documentation with them at all times.
If your student will be attending the entire tournament with a chaperone other than his/her parent or legal guardian, please contact the registrar at: cdc.signup@gmail.com. Include the name of the student, the name of the parent, and the name of the chaperone who will be responsible for the student.
To keep our tournament running smoothly and on-time, non-parent chaperones will need to serve as a full time judge throughout the tournament. Please plan to check in with Ballot Push at all push times.
If you have any questions, please contact Gina DeRosa, Tournament Registrar: cdc.signup@gmail.com.
Be advised that not all speeches are appropriate for all audiences. It is your responsibility to determine what is right for your own family.
If you have a speech that may not be appropriate for younger/certain audiences then please offer a content warning immediately prior to beginning your speech.
Parli Debate Prelim Rounds are Tuesday.
Parli Prep Room - TBD
All Parli rounds will have 3 strikes.
Parli resolutions each round will be appropriate for the specific round formats below.
Round 1 - No internet, can use help from adults/students, can use printed materials (no “screen time” except to use a phone to call and talk, no texting, no web, no social media, don’t call someone and ask them to access internet, etc.).
Round 2 - No internet, can use help from adults/students, can use printed materials (no “screen time” except to use a phone to call and talk, no texting, no web, no social media, don’t call someone and ask them to access internet, etc.).
Round 3 - Full internet, only help from Parli competing students (no adult help, students competing in Parli at CDC may help one another).
Round 4 - Full internet, only help from Parli competing students (no adult help, students competing in Parli at CDC may help one another).
Round 5 - Full internet and help from adults/students.
Round 6 - Full internet and help from adults/students.
Quarter-Finals - Full internet and help from adults/students.
Semi-Finals - Full internet. No adult/student help. Teams work on their own.
Finals - No internet. No adult/student help. Teams work on their own.
Extemp Prelim Rounds are Tuesday.
Extemp Prep Room - TBD
CDC will follow Stoa Extemp rules.
Liability - Please read carefully
1. Students must accept full responsibility for the safety and security of their electronic devices for the duration of the tournament.
2. Tournament staff are not responsible for the devices at any time.
3. All electronic devices should be clearly labeled with the participant's name and contact information.
4. Good idea to bring your own chargers, extension cords, or power strips.
Recording Policy
Judges and spectators at the tournament are not permitted to take photographs, videos, audio recordings or transcriptions of any student at CDC who is not their own child. This prohibition includes live-streaming and extends to the non-publication of print, broadcast, and internet media.
If the student is a minor, you must have the permission of the student’s parent or guardian. If the student is 18, obtain permission from the student.
You are always welcome to record your own students when they are speaking.
If you have designated a friend of the family to record your child, please advise the tournament leadership in advance in writing.
Snow Policy
Colorado weather can be unpredictable. However, we do not plan to delay the tournament due to weather. We apologize, but no refunds will be made for weather-related cancellations.
Mars Hill
CDC will not be posting the topics in advance so please be ready to speak on all of them.
CDC will not be posting the categories in advance so please be ready to speak on all of them.
Tab Protocol
We will abide by Stoa's Transparent Tabulation Policy and use Joy of Tournaments software with Stoa Tie-breaks.
Debate Events
- Rounds 1 and 2 will be randomly paired. If there is an odd number of competitors, then the bye will be randomly assigned.
- Teams will be club protected through Round 2; however, this may not be possible due to a disproportionate club size.
- Rounds 3-6 will be power-matched. Necessary byes will be assigned to the low seed.
QualifyingDramatic Interpretation
QualifyingDuo Interpretation
QualifyingHumorous Interpretation
QualifyingMars Hill
QualifyingOpen Interpretation
QualifyingOriginal Oratory
QualifyingSlam Poetry
QualifyingParliamentary Debate
QualifyingLincoln Douglas
QualifyingTeam Policy
QualifyingDuo Impromptu
Non-QualifyingJr Duo Impromptu
JuniorsJr Duo Interpretation
JuniorsJr Impromptu
JuniorsJr Interp
JuniorsJr Platform
JuniorsJr Sales Pitch Impromptu
JuniorsThe tournament is not making the registered club list public.
The tournament is not making the registered entries public for this event.
The tournament is not making the registered entries public for this event.
The tournament is not making the registered entries public for this event.
The tournament is not making the registered entries public for this event.
The tournament is not making the registered entries public for this event.
The tournament is not making the registered entries public for this event.
The tournament is not making the registered entries public for this event.
The tournament is not making the registered entries public for this event.
The tournament is not making the registered entries public for this event.
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The tournament is not making the registered entries public for this event.
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The tournament is not making the registered entries public for this event.
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The tournament is not making the registered entries public for this event.
The tournament is not making the registered entries public for this event.
The tournament is not making the registered entries public for this event.
The tournament is not making the registered entries public for this event.
The tournament is not making the registered entries public for this event.
The tournament is not making the registered entries public for this event.
The tournament is not making the registered entries public for this event.
The tournament is not making the registered entries public for this event.