Ambassadors for Christ (TN) - Nov 14-16, 2024 | Status: Completed | 11:30 PM Central
Tournament Status will update to Open at 9:00 am Sat 10/05/2024 (Central)
Community Judge registration will open at 9:00 am Sat 10/05/2024 (Central)
Tournament Status will update to Closed at 11:55 pm Sat 10/19/2024 (Central)
Tournament Status will update to Drops only at 5:00 am Fri 11/01/2024 (Central)
Meal registration will close at 12:00 pm Wed 11/06/2024 (Central)
Community Judge registration will close at 12:00 pm Sat 11/16/2024 (Central)
This status is used while the tournament is still being setup.
This status means tournament registration is open. Families can register for the tournament.
This status means only registration drops are allowed. There are no new entries allowed but families can drop entries.
This status means registration is currently closed for the tournament. There are no adds or drops allowed. Please contact the tournament director with any questions.
This status means the tournament is completed.
Every day David sent a Scripture verse in a group text to 74 friends, most of whom were fellow speech and debaters for whom he also prayed. He served many hours with his church's outreach to those in need. He was a true Ambassador for Christ! We cherish the memory for his Christ-honoring life, a fun-loving, spontaneous-dancing, speech & debate champion, fisherman of people & fishes. We look forward, in God's timing, to our reunion with him in the Presence of Jesus, our Savior King, whom, we are absolutely certain, he is even more now loving, worshipping, and serving!
SV STUDENT CHECK-IN FOR ALL SV EVENTS - In Student Hang-out Room - Enter Church at the Far-Left Double Door Rear Entry under the Portico. Go straight down hall to large room on the left. Student name badges and tent cards will be distributed at Check-In.
PARLI DEBATE CHECK-IN TIME: Thursday, November 14 7:15-7:40 am with Devotion & Announcement in Sanctuary at 7:40.
TP/LD DEBATE & SPEECH ONLY CHECK IN TIME: Thursday, November 14 1:30-2:15 pm in Student Hang-out Room – See directions above
ALL ADULT CHECK-IN: All Parents & Judges check in just inside far left rear church entry under portico where you will also receive your name badges.
COMMUNITY JUDGES: We ask you to arrive one hour before the start of the first event you choose to judge as we provide training for the event(s) you will judge. We also provide a delicious buffet for every meal and great snacks!
VISITORS: To keep everyone safe, all adults need to check in at the Judge Greet table just inside the rear entry. See directions above.
Parents or supervising adults, please plan to remain on site while your student is present throughout the tournament. Your student's safety and positive experience is of utmost importance.
Importance of Parent Judges
Thank you for understanding that a sizable pool of parent judges is critical for providing a quality tournament for all competitors. With that in mind, your minimum requirement is to judge the rounds for which you signed up. You also need to check in with Ballot Push at the beginning of each round in case there are some unexpected judging needs.
All Parents/Judges will check in just inside the far left rear church entry underportico where you will also receive your name badges.
To keep everyone safe, all adults at the tournament need to check in and wear a name badge. Please stop by the Judge Greeter to get one.
Apologetics rounds will be taken from the following categories (though not necessarily in this order):
Mars Hill rounds will be taken from the following categories (though not necessarily in this order):
Deadline for Early Script Submission: Monday, October 21st, 2024, 6:00 PM CST.
Deadline for submissions: Monday, November 4th, 6:00 PM CST.
Deadline for script submission corrections: Monday, November 11th, 6:00 PM CST. If your script requires corrections, it must be corrected and approved by this date.
Submission address:
If you have prior approval of a script from a STOA-sanctioned tournament and have not changed the script AT ALL, submit that approval email to our script submission email above no later than 6:00 pm CST, Monday, November 4th, 2024.
You will receive a confirmation email once your script has been received and approved. Please save a copy of this confirmation email on your phone or print it out to have with you at the tournament.
All scripts must be submitted by the deadline above to avoid being dropped from your registration resulting in a charged drop fee for that event.
Early Script Submission Prize Drawing: We will be offering three cash drawings for every script submitted before Monday, October 21st at 6:00 pm CST. Each early script is 1 entry into the drawing. Cash drawings will be made at random.
Double Click for Stoa's Helpful Videos:
7 Tips to Rapid Review & Approve for Platform & Interps
Stoa Plagiarism Policy
Stoa's Speech Citations Help Page
Stoa's Interp Speech Publication Guidelines
Doube Click for Script Submission Forms to submit for each speech:
1. Open Interp
2. Duo Interp
3. Dramatic & Humorous Interp
4. Platform Speeches: Expos, OO, Persuasive
5. Slam Poetry
Here is the format for your script submission file(s):
Last name, First name, Event name
For example: Smith, James, Humorous Interp
Scripts must be completed according to the STOA rules linked above and are to be PDF files. Please have the script(s) for each event with the REQUIRED pages in the following order:
• SIGNED script submission form(s) for your event(s) - found at the links above.
• Typed copy of the speech script.
• Works cited page (for platforms only).
• Highlighted photocopy of the original source text, including added words (for Interps only).
After initial submission, this is how the procedure will go.
1/ Our Script Submission Team will get back to you with any changes that need to be made to the script or any questions we have.
2/ Correct or Celebrate: If your script is returned for corrections, complete any requirements and resend within 24 hours. Scripts must be fully approved (with no corrections needed) no later than MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11th at 9:00 PM CST. Otherwise, it is time to celebrate your approval!
3/ Bring and keep with you at the tournament hard copies of all your scripts in case they need to be referenced for any reason.
If you have any questions, please contact our Script Submission Team at
Ambassadors for Christ Speech & Debate Club
David Helton Fall Forensics Forum Tournament
Mandatory Medical & Liability Release
Parents, please copy, print, sign, bring with you to turn in at the Check-In table at Ambassador Club’s David Helton Fall Forensics Forum Tournament, our Medical & Liability Release document.
Chaperones overseeing students other than you own children must have a signed copy from a Parent of each student for whom you are responsible.
I give permission for my child to participate in the Ambassador Club’s David Helton Fall Forensics Forum (DHFFF) Speech and Debate Tournament hosted by the Ambassadors for Christ Speech and Debate Club (AfCS&DC) November 14-16, 2024, taking place at the Concord Road Church of Christ (CRCoC). I am aware that my or my child’s participation in the November 14-16, 2024, Ambassador Club DHFFF Tournament may result in risks, which, among other things include contracting the coronavirus, Covid-19, and may include, but are not limited to, various physical injuries. I freely assume on own my and on my child’s behalf all risks incidental to such participation. In consideration of the participation of my child in the Nov. 14-16, 2024, Ambassador Club’s DHFFF Tournament at Concord Road Church of Christ, and on my child’s behalf, I hereby waive all claims against, release, covenant not to sue, and forever discharge AfCS&DC, CRCoC, and any affiliates, subsidiaries, successors, assigns, agents, servants, employees, officers, directors, principals, agents, representatives, volunteers, contractors, successors, and assigns (the “Released Parties”) of and from all liabilities, claims, actions, damages, costs and expenses of any nature arising out of, related to, or in any way connected with the hosting of or scoring of the November 14-16, 2024, Ambassador Club’s DHFFF Tournament, my attendance at the November, 14-16, 2024 Ambassador
Club’s DHFFF Tournament, the participation of my child in the Ambassador Club’s DHFFF Tournament and/or any such related and associated activities of any kind whatsoever, and further agree to indemnify and hold each of the Released Parties harmless from and against any and all such liabilities, claims, actions, damages, costs and expenses including by way of example, but not limited to, all attorneys’ fees, costs of court, and the costs and expenses of other professionals, including medical or other professionals, and disbursements up through and including any appeal arising out of, related to, or in any way connected with my attendance at the Ambassador Club’s DHFFF Tournament, November 14-16, 2024, hosted by Ambassadors for Christ Speech and Debate Club at Concord Road of Christ or the participation of my child in the November 14-16, 2024, Ambassador Club’s David Helton Fall Forensics Forum Tournament.
We agree if we have a dispute of any kind with AfCS&DC or CRCoC, arising out of or concerning in any way the November 14-16, 2024, David Helton Fall Forensics Forum Tournament and we cannot resolve it internally, we will not go into the civil court (1 Cor. 6:1–8).
Instead, we will submit the matter to mediation and, if necessary, legally binding arbitration, in accordance with the guidelines provided and directed by Peacemaker Ministries.
Parent’s signature_____________________________________ Date_______________
It is the goal and desire of both Stoa, and the Ambassadors for Christ Speech and Debate Club to promote professionalism and modesty in the behavior and dress for aour our student competitors, SV & JR/JV, and even for parents, and tournament staff at our tournaments.
The David Helton Fall Forensics Forum Tournament will follow the Stoa Dress Code. The specifics of Stoa's and our Ambassadors DHFFF Tournament's Dress Code are also listed below.
For the duration of the tournament students must dress and remain dressed modestly, neatly, and cleanly in their tournament attire.
Competition: During competition, students must dress in professional business attire.
Gentlemen: Suits; slacks and a sports coat, with a shirt and tie, and dress shoes.
Ladies: Skirt or pant suits; slacks, skirts or dresses with jackets, and professional dress shoes. Hemlines are to be at least to the knee.
Awards Ceremony: Students must attend the awards ceremony in full competition attire.
Violations: If the competitor’s attire at any time during the tournament is deemed a violation of the dress code, the competitor will be asked to come into compliance with the dress code.
A student will not be allowed to participate in competition or awards without compliance.
Stoa & Ambassador Club's Tabulation Core Values and Principles
Stoa's Core Values and Prnciples are the principles and standards which guide tabulation at the David Helton Fall Forensics Forum Tournament.
Stoa Tabulation has spent thousands of hours producing tab processes and procedures to best benefit Stoa students and families participating in speech and debate.
1. The first is Stoa’s belief in a Transparent Tabulation policy based on biblical principles.
2. The second is a set of four Core Principles upon which Stoa tabulation (and any tabulation process) must be built. All choices made for tabulation procedures must abide by these four principles.
Stoa leadership believes that policies ought rightly to flow from biblical principles. Admittedly, there is no reference in Scripture to the tabulation of Speech and Debate tournaments. However, there are Biblical principles that can guide Stoa tabulation behavior.
Scripture generally speaks with condemnation of that which is done in secret. God knows the natural tendency of our sin nature to hide the secret errors of our ways. To combat this natural tendency, Scripture promotes the concept of presenting ourselves before witnesses through confession, openness, and accountability as a means of ensuring honesty and integrity.
The following Scriptures illustrate the Biblical norm. This is not a comprehensive list of verses on the subject, but it is a good representation.
“I have spoken openly to the world,” Jesus replied. “I always taught in synagogues or at the temple, where all the Jews come together. I said nothing in secret.”
“Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out.”
“The integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity.”
“Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy.”
“Would it turn out well if he examined you? Could you deceive him as you might deceive a mortal? He would surely call you to account if you secretly showed partiality.”
“‘He said to them, “Do you bring in a lamp to put it under a bowl or a bed? Instead, don’t you put it on its stand? For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open. If anyone has ears to hear, let them hear.’”
“Now this is our boast: Our conscience testifies that we have conducted ourselves in the world, and especially in our relations with you, with integrity and godly sincerity. We have done so, relying not on worldly wisdom but on God’s grace.”
“Therefore, since through God’s mercy we have this ministry, we do not lose heart. Rather, we have renounced secret and shameful ways; we do not use deception, nor do we distort the word of God. On the contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to everyone’s conscience in the sight of God.”
• Students should be rewarded for their performance at the tournament. The “better” students should earn the highest rankings, and the “lesser” students should earn lower rankings.
• The procedures chosen should allow for the separation of the students into appropriate placings during the tournament.
• The procedures chosen should allow the better students to “rise to the top” and the lesser students “to settle to the bottom.”
• The meritocracy process has the benefit of allowing students to more frequently compete against other students of similar ability.
• It must be understood that no process can be 100% fair to 100% of the student competitors 100% of the time.
• The procedures chosen should be made to be as fair as possible to the most students possible most of the time.
• The procedures chosen should impact students as proportionally as possible.
• The procedures chosen should reflect the overall goal of producing the best result and should be internally consistent with other procedures within the tabulation process.
There are different methods of tabulating speech and debate tournaments. The methods chosen should be based upon and consistent with the core values of Stoa Tab.
Copied from Stoa's Website: Tabulation policies & processes adopted by Ambassadors for Christ Club's DHFFF Tournament Staff
Cancellations prior to the close of tournament registration on October 19th will garner a full refund minus any Stripe fees. There will be NO REFUNDS after registration closes. Once the tournament closes on the 19th, a $10 fee will be assessed for any drops made beginning on October 20. Drops create a domino effect of extra work for staff because they affect room allocation, judging needs, awards orders, and the awards ceremony.
Description: In Open Interpretation, the student creates an original rendition from a single selection of literature, which can be either dramatic or humorous. The student's original rendition should captivate, move, and/or entertain the audience.
Goal: To select and analyze literature, then bring it to life through the creative use of voice, movement, and facial expression.
JR/JV Open Interpretation Preparation Rules:
1. Interpretive literature may come from a variety of published genres including plays or prose. The selection must be from a single work and it may not be authored by the competitor.
2. Media transcripts are not permitted. A “media transcript” is a pirated script or selection that has been transcribed by an individual from a live or recorded performance (theater, movies, television/radio broadcasts, webcasts, internet streaming, etc.).
3. The literature must be cut to fit within the time limit.
4. Approximately 150 words may be added for any purpose including but not limited to introductions and transitions.
5. Changes to pronouns and verb tenses are allowed and not counted as added words.
6. Dialogue from one character may be given to another character.
7. The selection may be entered in only one category per tournament.
8. The student may place the selection in a different category in subsequent tournaments
9. The student may enter only one interpretive selection per category.
JR/JV Open Interpretation Presentation Rules:
1. The speaker must identify the title and author near the beginning of the piece.
2. The speaker must compete in tournament attire.
3. No audio or visual aids or props may be used.
4. Only feet are permitted to touch the floor at any time.
5. Gratuitous vulgarity, while completely unlikely, is strictly prohibited.
6. This is primarily a speech event but some singing and dancing are permitted as appropriate to the piece.
7. The script must be memorized. No written scripts or notes may be referred to in competition rounds. However, if they are the competitor can be given a lower ranking within the round.
8. The timekeeper will start the timepiece when the speaker begins and will stop the timepiece when the speaker finishes. No hand signals will be given.
Speaking time limit–five (5) minutes. No minimum time.
JR/JV Poetry Interpretation
Description: In Poetic Interpretation, the student presents a poem of their choice. The selection and presentation of the poem should captivate and moves the audience.
Goal: To select and analyze poetry, then bring it to life through the creative use of voice, movement, and facial expression.
JR/JV Poetry Interpretation Preparation Rules:
1. Poems may come from a single work or a variety of genres. The result must be a single work and it may not be authored by the competitor.
2. Media transcripts are not permitted. A “media transcript” is a pirated script or selection that has been transcribed by an individual from a live or recorded performance (theater, movies, television/radio broadcasts, webcasts, internet streaming, etc.).
3. The poem must be cut to fit within the time limit.
4. 150 words may be added for any purpose including but not limited to introductions and transitions.
5. Dialogue from one character may be given to another character.
6. The selection may be entered in only one category per tournament.
7. The student may place the selection in a different category in subsequent tournaments.
8. The student may enter only one interpretive selection per category.
JR/JV Poetry Interpretation Presentation Rules:
1. The speaker must identify the title and author near the beginning of the piece.
2. The speaker must compete in tournament attire.
3. No audio or visual aids or props may be used.
4. Only feet are permitted to touch the floor at any time.
5. Gratuitous vulgarity is strictly prohibited.
6. This is primarily a speech event but some singing and dancing are permitted as appropriate to the piece.
7. The script must be memorized. No written scripts or notes may be referred to in competition rounds. The competitor can receive a ranking penalty for use of a written script or notes in competition.
8. The timekeeper will start the timepiece when the speaker begins and will stop the timepiece when the speaker finishes. No hand signals will be given.
Speaking time limit– five (5) minutes. No minimum time.
Description: In Duo Interpretation, two students create an original rendition from various pieces of literature (including original unpublished work) which captivates and moves the audience.
Goal: To select and analyze literature, then bring it to life through the creative use of voice, facial expression, and movement without interacting face-to-face.
JR/JV Duo Interpretation Preparation Rules:
1. Interpretive literature should come from traditional published or copyrighted literature.
2. Media transcripts are not permitted. A “media transcript” is a pirated script or selection that has been transcribed by an individual from a live or recorded performance (theater, movies, television/radio broadcasts, webcasts, internet streaming, etc.).
3. There is not a limit to the number of words added by competitors nor any restriction on how those words are used.
4. Dialogue from one character may be given to another character.
5. The interpretive piece may be entered in only one category per tournament (e.g. either ‘Dramatic' or ‘Duo’ but not both). The students may place the interpretive piece in a different category in subsequent tournaments.
6. The students may enter only one interpretive piece per event, i.e. only one entry in Duo Interp.
JR/JV Duo Interpretation Presentation Rules:
1. The author and title of the work must be introduced.
2. The resulting construction of the interpretive piece should provide a balanced performance between the two students.
3. The students should not look at each other, touch each other, or interact face-to face.
4. The speakers must compete in tournament attire.
5. No audio or visual aids or props may be used.
6. Only feet are permitted to touch the floor at any time.
7. Gratuitous vulgarity, while highly unlikely, is strictly prohibited.
8. This is primarily a speech event but some singing and dancing are permitted as appropriate to the piece.
9. The script must be memorized. No written scripts or notes may be referred to in competition. The competitors can receive a lower ranking for use of a written script or notes in competition.
10. The timekeeper will start the timepiece when the speakers begin and will stop the stopwatch when the speakers finish. No hand signals will be given.
Speaking time limit – seven (7) minutes. No minimum time.
Description: In Story Reading, the student chooses a children's storybook and reads aloud a selection of their choice from the book. The selection and presentation of the story should captivate the audience. The student is encouraged to use voice inflection, tone, volume, expressiveness, character differentiation and facial expression to animate the characters and bring the story to life.
Goal: To select a story or portion of a story book and in reading it aloud bring the book and characters to life through the creative use of voice, inflection and facial expression.
JR/JV Story Reading Presentation Rules:
1. The student has up to 5 minutes to READ from an actual children’s storybook.
2. The student must read verbatim from the storybook, without added interpretive wording.
3. The student must bring and use an actual book in this event.
Speaking Time Limit– five (5) minutes. No minimum time.
Description: A JV Platform Apologetics speech is a prepared speech, written by the speaker, in response to one of five questions.
Goal: To motivate students to study and articulate the core issues of their faith in a knowledgeable, sincere, winsome manner.
JR/JV Platform Apologetics Rules:
1. The speaker may prepare a speech in response to one of the Apologetics questions offered by CCT & Ambassador Club. See Apologetics Questions below.
2. The purpose of the speech may be to inform, persuade, or inspire.
3. The speech must be an original work, written by the competitor, and scripted verbatim.
4. The speech may be entered in only one category per tournament (i.e., either ‘Original Oratory’ or ‘Platform Apologetics’ but not both).
5. The student may place the speech in a different category in subsequent tournaments.
6. The speaker may enter only one speech per category.
JR/JV Platform Apologetics Presentation Rules:
1. All direct quotations and primary sources must be cited verbally within the body of the speech. Use of another person’s words or ideas without crediting them is plagiarism and is strictly forbidden.
2. The script must be memorized. No written scripts or notes may be referred to in competition rounds. The competitor may receive a lower ranking for use of a written script.
3. No props, audio or visual aids may be used.
4. Though we never expect this, we still post this rule. Gratuitous vulgarity is strictly prohibited.
5. The timekeeper will start the timepiece when the speaker begins and will stop the timepiece when the speaker has concluded his speech.
The 2024-25 JR/JV Apologetics Questions:
1. How is Jesus different from the founders of other world religions?
2. How is the Bible different from other religious writings?
3. In what ways does the world around us show that there must be a Creator God?
4. Why do you love Jesus?
5. Does God reveal Himself to man?
6. What is Apologetics and why do we study it?
7. How do we know Jesus really died and resurrected?
8. Who is God? And what are some of His characteristics?
Speaking Time Limit– five (5) minutes No minimum limit.
Description: An Original Oratory is a prepared speech, written by the speaker, on a topic of the speaker’s choice.
Goal: To develop a polished, winsome speaker who can present an engaging, well-organized speech on any topic.
JR/JV Original Oratory Preparation Rules:
1. The speaker may prepare a speech on any topic.
2. The purpose of the speech may be to inform, persuade, entertain, inspire, eulogize, or fulfill any other function.
3. The speech must be an original work, written by the competitor, and scripted verbatim.
4. An Original Oratory may be used in multiple leagues during any given competitive season.
5. The speech may be entered in only one category per tournament (i.e., either ‘Original Oratory’ or ‘Persuasive’ but not both). The student may place the speech in a different category in subsequent tournaments.
6. A maximum of approximately 30% of the speech may consist of quoted material.
JR/JV Original Oratory Presentation Rules:
1. All direct quotations and primary sources must be cited verbally within the body of the speech. Use of another person’s words or ideas without crediting them is plagiarism and is strictly forbidden.
2. The script must be memorized. No written scripts or notes may be referred to in competition rounds. The competitor may receive a lower ranking for use of a written script.
3. No props, audio or visual aids may be used.
4. We do not expect this to to occur but post this rule as a standard. Gratuitous vulgarity is strictly prohibited.
5. The timekeeper will start the timepiece when the speaker begins and will stop the timepiece when the speaker has concluded his speech.
Speaking Time Limit– five (5) minutes. No minimum time.
Description: An Expository speech is a prepared speech, written by the speaker, which explains or “exposes” a topic usually with the help of visual aids.
Goal: To develop a winsome, polished speaker who can present a creative, well-organized speech while efficiently employing audio/visual aids or props.
JR/JV Varsity Expository Preparation Rules:
1. The speaker may prepare a speech on any topic.
2. The primary purpose of an expository speech is to inform but it may also persuade, entertain, or fulfill any other function.
3. The speech must be an original work, written by the competitor and scripted verbatim.
4. The speech may be entered in only one category per tournament. The student may place the speech in a different category in subsequent tournaments, but remember, only Expos allows for audio/visual aids or props.
5. A maximum of approximately 30% of the speech may consist of quoted material.
JR/JV Varsity Expository Presentation Rules:
1. All direct quotations and primary sources must be cited verbally within the body of the speech. Use of another person’s words or ideas without crediting them is plagiarism and it is strictly forbidden.
2. The speaker may use visual aids.
3. Audio aids and effects may be used to enhance the speech.
4. Computers are permissible.
5. The speaker must set up his/her own props (and any other aids) without the assistance of anyone else.
6. No setting up is allowed during the judges’ evaluation time between speakers.
7. Students may set down their props when they get to the front of the room. All other setup and cleanup must occur within the time limit of the speech.
8. Special clothing related to the speech may be put on, or displayed, and taken off, or hidden, during the course of the speech.
9. The speaking area must be left in the same condition as it was prior to the speech.
10. Though never expected, but as a precaution, use of weapons, explosives, or incendiary devices is prohibited.
11. Nothing may be distributed or offered to the judges or audience members.
12. People and live animals may not be used as aids in the speech.
13. While extremely unlikely, gratuitous vulgarity is strictly prohibited.
14. The timekeeper, likely the Judge, will start the timepiece when the speaker begins and will stop the timepiece when the speaker has concluded his speech.
Speaking Time Limit– five (5) minutes. No minimum time. An additional two (2) minutes is allotted for each speaker to set up before their speech and to remove their display following their speech, allowing a total of seven (7) minutes for each speaker.
Description: In JV Bible Story Impromptu the competitor chooses a story from the genre or category selected by the tournament. These Bible stories are listed on the tournament web site weeks prior to the tournament, so the students know the full list, but will not know the exact story they are to present until they draw and choose at the tournament. Then, the student at the tournament, has limited preparation time and tells the story in their own words.
Goal: To understand the values and techniques inherent in good storytelling and to be able to recreate stories for the education and enjoyment of the audience.
JR/JV BIBLE STORY IMOMPTU STORIES for all 3 Tournament Speech Rounds
1. David and Goliath
2. Noah and the Ark
3. Jonah and the whale
4. Moses and the Burning Bush
5. Joshua and the Battle of Jericho
6. Zacchaeus
7. Peter walks on the water
8. Parable of the prodigal son
9. The Good Samaritan
10. Hannah and Samuel
11. The Tower of Babel
12. Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego in the fiery furnance
13. Abraham, Man of Faith
14. Mary and Joseph
15. Saul who became Paul
16. Parable of the lost sheep
17. Two builders: Wise & Foolish
18. Jesus & the feeding of the 5,000
19. The Birth of Jesus
20. The Angel's visit to the Shepherds
21. The Resurrection of Jesus
22. Jesus, HIS Disciples & the Miraculous Catch of Fish
23. The Story of Joseph
24. The Story of Queen Esther
25. Daniel in the Lion's Den
26. Crossing the Red Sea
JR/JV Bible Story Impromptu Preparation Rules:
1. Each room will be given instructions regarding room administration as well as the envelope of topics to distribute to the student.
2. The speaker will receive three (3) single topics, choose one, and return the other two. The chosen topic should not be returned to the envelope.
3. Topics should be of the same type for all speakers in the round.
4. The competitor may edit or adapt the story in any way.
5. The timekeeper will start the stopwatch when the speaker receives the topics. Thirty (30) seconds will be allotted to choose a topic.
6. The competitor will have two minutes from the time the non chosen topics are returned to the judges. The timekeeper will give auditory cues every thirty (30) seconds until the two (2) minute preparation time is concluded.
7. Unused preparation time may not be added to the speaking time.
8. Competitors may only enter once in the JV Bible Story Impromptu event per tournament.
JR/JV Bible Story Impromptu Presentation Rules:
1. The speaker may write notes on a blank sheet of paper during preparation time, but he may not use or refer to the notes during his speech.
2. The speaker may not bring any prepared material into the room including a Bible.
3. The speaker may approach the topic in any way he chooses, but the topic must be the central theme of the speech and not peripheral to it.
4. The speaker may refer to his topic slip when announcing his topic during the speech. He/she may not write notes on the topic slip.
5. Each speech should be a fresh, original presentation, developed from one of the topics given and prepared on the spot.
6. The speaker must state his topic early in the speech and adhere to the chosen topic.
7. No audio or visual aids or props may be used.
8. No computers, Kindles, iPods, cell phones, or other electronic media devices may be used for JV Bible Story Impromptu preparation or presentation.
9. While never expected, gratuitous vulgarity is strictly prohibited.
10. The student must not listen to other JV Bible Story Impromptu competitors speaking before him. The competitor may stay after he has given his speech to listen to subsequent speakers.
JR/JV Bible Story Impromptu Preparation time – two (2) minutes. Speaking time – three (3) minutes. No minimum time.
JR/JV Bible Story Impromptu Ballot
Description: In Salesmanship speaking the speaker is given two (2) minutes to prepare a speech on a drawn item in order to “sell” to the judge.
Goal: To create a polished speaker who is able to give an original, spontaneously prepared speech or “sale”, using the selected item as the central theme.
JR/JV Salesmanship Preparation Rules:
1. Each room will be given instructions regarding room administration as well as the selected items to distribute to the student.
2. The speaker will receive three (3) items, choose one, and return the other two. The chosen item should not be returned for future competitors. The item should be returned to the judges at the conclusion of the presentation.
3. The timekeeper will start the stopwatch when the speaker receives the item “bag”. Thirty (30) seconds will be allotted to choose an item.
4. The competitor will have two minutes from the time the non chosen items are returned to the judges. The timekeeper will give auditory cues every thirty (30) seconds until the two (2) minute preparation time is concluded.
5. Unused preparation time may not be added to the speaking time.
JR/JV Salesmanship Presentation Rules:
1. The speaker may write notes on a blank sheet of paper during preparation time, but he may not use or refer to the notes during his speech.
2. The speaker may not bring any prepared material into the room.
3. The speaker may approach the topic in any way he chooses, including creative, non-traditional uses of the item, but the item must be the central theme of the speech and not peripheral to it.
4. The speaker may refer to/use his item throughout the presentation.
5. Each speech should be a fresh, original presentation, developed from one of the items given and prepared on the spot.
6. The speaker must attempt to "sell" the item.
7. No audio or visual aids or props may be used, excluding the item.
8. No computers, Kindles, iPods, cell phones, or other electronic media devices may be used for preparation or presentation.
9. As with all other JV speeches, while this is never expected, gratuitous vulgarity is strictly prohibited.
10. The student must not listen to other salesmanship competitors speaking before him. He may stay after he has given his speech to listen to subsequent speakers.
Preparation time – two (2) minutes. Speaking time – three (3) minutes. No minimum time.
Description: This is a limited preparation event. The competitor will be given time to prepare a speech on a topic given to them by the judge when they enter the competition room. The topic will be either one abstract concept, e.g."freedom" or concrete concept word, e.g. “farm". The competitor will give an introduction that contains a hook to get their listener’s attention, develop several main examples or point, and give a conclusion.
Goal: The goal of the JV Impromptu speech is to give the student an opportunity to form a simple speech quickly and efficiently.
JR/JV Impromptu Rules:
1. Speaker will have 2 minutes of preparation time.
2. The JV Impromptu Speech is not to exceed 3 minutes. The Judge will time the event.
3. Notes may not be used during the speech.
4. The Speaker will receive three choices of topic and may choose the one they like the best.
5. Props and costumes are not permitted.
Preparation time – two (2) minutes. Speaking time – three (3) minutes. No minimum time.
JR/JV Student Congress Senators,
Here are the Updated JR/JV Student Congress Bills & Resolutions
This is an updated list of Bills and Resolutions because a bill was accidently sent to an incorrect, misspelled email address.
This list is the complete and correct list to use as you prepare for Student Congress.
Print them all out, study them, prepare both a PRO & CON speech for each one to be ready to debate as Student Congress Senators!
See you all soon!
David Helton Fall Forensics Forum JV Tournament Staff
Our Student Congress Manual shares sample Bills & Resolutions & a template for writing your own bills. We recommend that you download the Manual, print it out (double-sided) so you can study it to be well-informed and ready for Student Congress!
- The Presiding Officer calls the session to order.
- The Presiding Officer gives or requests someone to give the Invocation (Opening Prayer).
- Roll call is taken by the Presiding Officer.
- All student legislators stand to take the Oath of Office (linked below).
- Debate starts with the first bill/resolution on the calendar (see list of bills on separate tab Nov. 2nd).
- The first speech on a bill, called the Sponsorship Speech, is automatically given by the author of the bill if they are present. Otherwise, like with every other speech, any student interested in speaking can rise to be recognized by the Presiding Officer who will call on a student legislator based on who has spoken the least amount of times thus far.
- Speeches by the student legislators continue back and forth, speaking for or against each bill, until a student calls for a vote.
- After a vote is taken, students move on to the next bill.
- The round is an hour and a half to two hours in length.
Representative or Senator - Refers to student competitors. They are members of a Student Congress, a mock legislature, functioning as the Congress men and women who represent us in our state and federal legislatures.
Presiding Officer (PO) - The Presiding Officer is usually an experienced student competitor, an alumni who competed in Student Congress, who facilitates the round using parliamentary procedure according to Robert's Rules of Order.
House or Senate - The group of people with whom students are competing. Usually each House is given a name, i.e. the Polk House and the Jackson House.
Bill - Legislation that is being voted on to become law. Bills can be either federal or state level legislation. See the "Bill & Resolution Structure & Form" TAB for instructions on how to write one.
Resolution - An idea that a representative wants the house to adopt. It's not a law that makes something clearly legal or illegal. A Resolution might be used for something like declaring a new national or state holiday.
Calendar - The list of bills that will be debated each session.
Well - The podium at which representatives/senators stand to give speeches.
Floor - when a member has the full attention of the assembly to speak (also refers to the area where the assembly meets, where its members speak, and where it conducts its business).
Amendment - a specific change to an item of legislation, explaining exactly which words it modifies, and not changing the intent of the legislation itself.
Precedence - standard rule in most debate leagues which requires the presiding officer to choose speakers who have spoken least (or not at all). The only exception to precedence is when a speaker has authorship privileges to legislation when it is introduced for debate. In those cases, the presiding officer must recognize the author first. If no author is present, selecting a sponsor is based on precedence.
Recency - is where the presiding officer not only employs precedence, but also selects speakers based on who has spoken least recently or earliest.
1. Note passing and whispering is allowed within reason. Don't abuse the privilege by talking to your fellow Representatives about topics not related to Congress.
2. Respect the Presiding Officer. Their job is hard, and they need the support and attention of everyone in the Chamber.
3. If there is a problem with the way anything is being handled in the Chamber, please tell the adult who is supervising the Chamber.
4. Please respect the Judges by supporting a motion to adjourn in the middle of a session to give them a break.
5. Make sure the Judges are ready before you begin speaking. This is for your benefit and for theirs. They don't feel rushed, and you get the benefit of their full attention.
6. Monitor your own appearance and behavior at all times. You should always look professional and attentive.
7. Approach the well/podium and make a speech if you have something new to say. Avoid repeating the same information. If all issues a bill presents have been addressed, make the motion to move to the previous question.
8. MOST IMPORTANT: Remember that our greatest aim is to be Ambassadors of Christ in all we do.
9. Finally...Have fun!
The judges in the round will use the ballot below to evaluate students:
Adult/Minor Modeling Participant Release
In consideration of my membership in Stoa, which includes the membership of all my dependent minor children, I hereby grant to Stoa and to its sponsors, and those acting with Stoa’s authority and permission, the irrevocable and unrestricted right and permission to take, use, reuse, publish, and republish photographic portraits or pictures, videos or recordings of me or of my minor children, or in which I or my minor children may be included, in whole or in part, made through any and all media now or hereafter known. I also consent to the use of any printed matter in conjunction therewith or the use of my name and/or the name(s) of my minor children, in connection therewith if Stoa so decides.
I consent to the use of my name or the name(s) of my minor children for the purposes of posting tournament results and point accrual to a Stoa designated online database.
I hereby waive any right that I or my minor children may have to inspect or approve the finished product or products.
I hereby release, discharge and agree to save harmless Stoa and its sponsors and all persons acting under its permission or authority from any liability including any claims for libel or invasion of privacy, rights of publicity, copyright or otherwise. I hereby warrant that I am a legal competent adult and that I have every right to contract for myself and/or the minor in the above regard. I state further that I have read the above authorization, release, and agreement, prior to its execution, and that I am fully familiar with the contents of it.
The Stoa Marketing Committee would like to feature our tournament on social media in a short video reel. We will have a photographer onsite taking short video clips to use in our reel. This will be a fun way to remember our 2024 David Helton Fall Forensics Forum Tournament and to attract new families to Stoa. If you would like to opt out of the videos, please email the tournament director.
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QualifyingParliamentary Debate
QualifyingTeam Policy
QualifyingDuo Interpretation
QualifyingMars Hill
QualifyingOpen Interpretation
QualifyingOriginal Oratory
QualifyingDramatic Interpretation
QualifyingHumorous Interpretation
QualifyingSlam Poetry
QualifyingBible Story Impromptu
JuniorsJR/JV Duo Interp
JuniorsJR/JV Expository
JuniorsJR/JV Original Oratory
JuniorsJV/JR Impromptu
JuniorsJV/JR Open Interp (includes Dramatic & Humorous)
JuniorsPlatform Apologetics
JuniorsPoetry Interp
JuniorsStory Reading
JuniorsJR/JV Student Congress
JuniorsStarts | Ends | Name |
7:00 am | 7:30 am | Parli Check-In |
7:30 am | 7:50 am | Mandatory Student Devo/Announcements |
8:00 am | 9:15 am | Debate Parli RD 1 |
9:15 am | 10:30 am | Debate Parli RD 2 |
10:30 am | 11:45 am | Debate Parli RD 3 |
11:45 am | 12:15 pm | Student Lunch Available |
12:15 pm | 1:30 pm | Debate Parli RD 4 |
1:30 pm | 2:45 pm | Debate Parli RD 5 |
1:30 pm | 2:00 pm | TP/LD & SV Speech-Only Check-In |
2:45 pm | 4:30 pm | Debate TP/LD RD 1 |
3:00 pm | 3:15 pm | Grab 'N Go Snack For Students |
4:30 pm | 6:30 pm | Speech Pattern A RD 1 |
5:45 pm | 6:45 pm | Student Dinner Available |
6:45 pm | 8:00 pm | Debate Parli RD 6 |
Starts | Ends | Name |
7:10 am | 7:30 am | Devo/Announcements for Students |
7:30 am | 9:15 am | Debate TP/LD RD 2 |
9:15 am | 11:15 am | Speech Pattern B RD 1 |
10:45 am | 11:15 am | Student Lunch Available |
11:15 am | 1:00 pm | Debate TP/LD RD 3 |
1:00 pm | 3:00 pm | Speech Pattern A RD 2 |
2:30 pm | 3:00 pm | JV Student Congress Check-In |
3:00 pm | 3:15 pm | Grab 'N Go Snacks for Students |
3:00 pm | 5:15 pm | JV Student Congress Orientation & Debate |
3:00 pm | 4:45 pm | Debate TP/LD RD 4 |
4:45 pm | 5:45 pm | Student Dinner Available |
5:15 pm | 7:15 pm | Speech Pattern B RD 2 |
7:15 pm | 9:00 pm | Debate TP/LD RD 5 |
Starts | Ends | Name |
7:00 am | 7:15 am | Devo/Announcements for Students |
7:15 am | 9:00 am | Debate TP/LD RD 6 |
9:00 am | 11:00 am | Speech Pattern A RD 3 |
10:45 am | 11:15 am | Student Lunch Available |
11:15 am | 1:15 pm | Speech Pattern B RD 3 |
1:15 pm | 3:15 pm | Debate TP/LD Breaks and Final Round |
2:00 pm | 2:30 pm | JV Speech Tournament Check-In |
2:30 pm | 3:00 pm | Mandatory for JV Speech Tournament Students |
3:00 pm | 3:15 pm | Grab 'N Go Snack For Students |
3:00 pm | 4:00 pm | JV Speech Tournament RD 1 |
3:15 pm | 5:30 pm | Speech Breaks and Finals |
4:30 pm | 5:30 pm | JV Speech Tournament RD 2 |
5:30 pm | 6:15 pm | Student Dinner Available |
5:45 pm | 7:30 pm | Debate Parli Breaks & Finals |
6:00 pm | 7:00 pm | JV Speech Tournament RD 3 |
7:00 pm | 7:30 pm | - Clean Up Church/Reset Rms/Move Personal Items to Cars |
7:30 pm | 9:00 pm | JV & SV Awards In Sanctuary |