$5 entry fee for each competitor
$20 for the first speech event and $10 per additional speech events with a max of four speech events.
$30 per student for Lincoln-Douglas Debate (only sign-up for up to TWO speech events if registering for LD)
If an event is full, please go ahead and sign-up on the waitlist. If possible, we will try to open up slots for you but we are keeping this tournament small.
Payment is required by the close of registration on Friday, Oct 4th. Late fee is $15.
Refund Policy No refunds will be given after registration closes.
Drop Fee Students may add and drop events without penalty while registration is still open and there is still room available for an event. However, after drop-only closes on Friday, Oct 11th, a $25 fee will be charged for drops. We must know right away if a student will not be participating in an event after registration has closed because it affects room assignments and ballot preparation.
Please contact Elizabeth Bell if there are questions or concerns at elizabeth.d.bell@gmail.com or 703-402-5705
Sickness Policy: Please do not attend the tournament if you have vomited or had a fever in the past 24 hours.