Ex Nihilo (CA) - Feb 27 - Mar 1, 2025 | Status: Drops Only | 10:58 PM Pacific
Community Judge registration will open at 12:00 pm Sat 12/14/2024 (Pacific)
Tournament Status will update to Open at 8:00 am Wed 12/18/2024 (Pacific)
Tournament Status will update to Drops only at 11:59 pm Wed 01/08/2025 (Pacific)
Late fee will be applied at 11:59 pm Wed 01/08/2025 (Pacific)
Tournament Status will update to Closed at 11:59 pm Sun 02/09/2025 (Pacific)
Meal registration will close at 12:00 pm Sun 02/16/2025 (Pacific)
This status is used while the tournament is still being setup.
This status means tournament registration is open. Families can register for the tournament.
This status means only registration drops are allowed. There are no new entries allowed but families can drop entries.
This status means registration is currently closed for the tournament. There are no adds or drops allowed. Please contact the tournament director with any questions.
This status means the tournament is completed.
We are grateful for your help in making our tournament run smoothly.
Judge Registration: Complete a short registration and select a time that works best for you to judge.
Total Tournament Time Commitment - Approximately 4 hours. Please arrive one hour prior to the round you signed up to judge. This will allow you to:
Additionally, please allow one hour following the round to complete your ballots. Students look forward to reading your helpful feedback!
Community Judge Check-in: For a detailed and annotated map of campus, see Facility tab. After check-in, you will be offered a Judge Orientation session before your round assignment, followed by assistance to your competition room. After the round you will be able to return to the judge's lounge to fill out your ballot and enjoy refreshments. Due to time constraints, it is typically not feasible to judge two rounds consecutively. Judging every other round is easily done and appreciated!
Judge Orientation: Orientation sessions for speech events and for debate events will be conducted during each tournament day (Tournament Schedule). Attending Judge Orientation is encouraged annually for all judges. During orientation you will be provided with an overview of the events you will be judging and all training and materials you will need to prepare you for the round. If you would like judging and event information ahead of time, or to learn more about the Stoa league and competitions, see links at the bottom of this page. Our facilitators will be available for any questions you may have.
If you are not attending an orientation session, please assist us by checking in at the Ballot Push table 45 minutes before the next competition round. The volunteers there will be glad to see you!
Complimentary snacks and refreshments will be provided throughout the day for judges in our judges lounge.
Additional Information -
Competitor Invitation: If you have been invited by a competitor to judge, please indicate their name in the conflict box in order to avoid a conflict of interest in the judging assignments.
Parking: Special parking areas are reserved for community judges. Please click on the Facility Information tab to find out where!
Physical Accommodations: Please notify the volunteer during judge orientation if you have physical limitations that prevent you from managing stairs or walking longer distances; we will make every effort to provide a room that is convenient.
Parents of competitors are expected to provide a judge for 2 rounds per registered event, and be available to judge throughout each day of the tournament.
Alumni judges will not be permitted to judge the rounds of students with whom they have been previous competitors within the past two years.
Judge Orientation attendance is an annual requirement. If you have not attended an orientation session this year, it is highly recommended that you do so at this tournament. There have been several changes to ballots recently, and we want you to have the most up-to-date information as you judge!
Know someone who would like to volunteer? Help us recruit community judges! Community judges provide a rich environment for our students by bringing diverse and unbiased assessment to the competition rounds. We will provide the training and materials necessary for 1st-time judges to be comfortable and capable of giving good feedback to the students on their ballots. We welcome new faces and would love to help introduce them to Stoa speech and debate.
Useful links:
Your presence on campus and participation with judging are crucial to the success of this tournament.
Parents are expected to judge for 2 rounds per registered event, and be available for each day of the tournament.
Please check with Ballot Push 30 minutes before rounds to receive ballots.
Judge Orientation attendance is an annual requirement. If you have not attended an orientation session this year, it is highly recommended that you do so at this tournament. There have been several changes to ballots recently, and we want you to have the most up-to-date information as you judge!
Local families, would you like to help us recruit community judges? Community judges bring a fresh perspective to the work our children have accomplished! We will provide the training and materials necessary for judges to be comfortable and capable. Judges must be 18 years of age and not a competitor.
It is our goal for the Southern California Classic and Stoa Competitive Speech and Debate to be above reproach in integrity, professionalism, and Christ-like stewardship. Students and guests are asked to conduct themselves appropriately both on and off the competition floor, and to respect the local community and campus.
Students will be held to the Stoa NITOC dress code standard of professional business attire. If in violation, students will be asked to come into compliance before being allowed to compete.
In each speech room, there will be a head judge. The head judge is responsible for supervising the time, managing the room, and, in some limited-prep events, distributing the topics.
Speech Overtime Penalty - There will be a large red timer in each speech room which will be turned toward the competitor during the speech. With the ability to see the timepiece when speaking, the competitor will now receive a 1 rank penalty if his/her speech is overtime by 15 seconds or more. This overtime penalty is for EVERY speech event. All debate rounds will be self-timed and debaters must provide own timers.
Video/audio or other recording will not be allowed of any individual or team without the express consent of all competing members. Tournament staff reserves the right to record debate and speech events for the purpose of adjudication and/or promotion.
Stoa Competitors must be ages 12 to 18 as of October 1st of the current season, privately home-educated, members of Stoa, and parent members must be in agreement with Stoa Statement of Faith (see competitor eligibility requirements) to be tournament eligible. Junior competitors are those under 12 as of October 1st.
The tournament adjudication team reserves the right to review and/or disqualify any team or individual on the basis of the appearance of ethics violations inconsistent with Stoa competition guidelines. Evidence ethics will be followed as set forth in Stoa Evidence and Philosophy Standards.
Any allegation of impropriety should be brought to the attention of the Tournament Director promptly following the completion of the round in dispute. The allegation must articulate the specific Stoa rule that is being challenged. A coach or parent representative must be present with the written complaint. The adjudication committee will then meet with all parties involved and come to a decision.
As per Stoa Minimum Tournament Standards, representation from at least two clubs must staff the tournament tabulation room. Southern California Classic will adhere to Stoa Tournament Tabulation Standards for tabulation procedures.
Individuals shall assume responsibility for the safety and security of personal possessions, to include electronic devices, for the duration of the tournament. Tournament staff are not responsible for personal items. All personal belongings should be labeled with participant's name and contact information in case of lost or misplaced items.
By registering for and/or attending the Southern California Classic, you knowingly assume the risks of contracting COVID-19 at this tournament and agree to hold the Southern California Classic staff, Ex Nihilo Speech & Debate, Stoa, and Concordia University harmless for those risks. Parents, by sending your student to the Southern California Classic Tournament each day, you are acknowledging that your student is healthy and not exhibiting any signs of sickness.
The SoCal Classic is proud to partner with Concordia University Irvine for our SoCal Classic at Concordia 2025 event. We are thankful to be guests on their beautiful and central campus, and know you will enjoy the generous amenities affording us this opportuity to bring competitors together from near and far.
Directions to Concordia University Irvine:
1530 Concordia, Irvine, CA 92612
Tournament and Facility Map (link to follow when available)
RV overnight parking is not available without WRITTEN approval from the Tournament Director. Email tournament@nihilo.com for details and instructions.
We are happy to include use of Concordia University's cafeteria for your tournament meal planning!
Pre-purchase meal ticket options will be offered at a discounted price, and meals may also be purchased at the door throughout the tournament. The cafeteria will be available for both students and adults. When the pre-purchase option becomes available, we will update here and via email.
Meal pricing, pre-purchase deadlines, and cafeteria hours will be updated here once finalized.
Policy for Submitting Scripts to the SoCal Classic Speech & Debate Tournament
Welcome to the script submission page for the SoCal Classic Speech & Debate Tournament, hosted by Ex Nihilo Speech & Debate as part of the STOA Speech & Debate League. Please read the following policies carefully before submitting your scripts, as our script policy has been updated from traditional submission procedures.
Script Submission will be open as of 8am on Feb 11th, and will close firmly at 11:59pm on Feb 18th. Please be aware that late scripts will not be accepted.
Junior speech events do not require script submission.
Online Submission Only:
Spot-Check Review:
Required Documentation:
Printed Copies for Competition:
Download and Complete the Submission Form:
Fill Out the Online Submission Form:
One Form Per Script:
Failure to bring a printed copy of the script to any round may result in disqualification or penalties.
If you have questions about the submission process, please contact the tournament team at [insert contact email].
Thank you for your cooperation, and we look forward to seeing you at the SoCal Classic!
The SoCal Classic will break Apologetics into to Quarter Finals, Semi-Finals, and Finals, with each using different Apologetics categories. By tournament's end, we will have seen 5 of the 6 categories -- be ready for anything!
Stoa Apologetics questions can be found here: Apologetics Question List.
SoCal Classic will use the standard Stoa list of topics for Mars Hill. We use topics from all categories on the list. Stoa Mars Hill topics are found here: Mars Hill Topics
Prior to the tournament, please make sure student cell number and/or email are correct in your registration in case of event updates.
Extemp has priority! If you are in other speech events, be sure you schedule your time so you do not miss your draw time. The times are fixed. If you are late to the prep room, your prep time is shortened. Speaker positions cannot be switched or changed.
Speaker 1 prep time will begin at the start of the speech round. Check the speaker order before the round begins.
1. Students must accept full responsibility for the safety and security of their electronic devices for the duration of the tournament.
2. Tournament staff are not responsible for the devices at any time.
3. All electronic devices should be clearly labeled with the participant's name and contact information.
Junior Competitors ages 6-11 will be able to compete in Platform, Interp (icluding Duo), and Apologetics. There will be no Junior Script Submission, and no Junior speech length requirements.
Attire for Junior Tournament: Sunday best!
Junior Apologetics will use the following questons:
Round 1: The Character and Nature of God
The Stoa Technology Committee is diligently working to complete and implement tabulation functionality within the new StoaHub platform. This may include the use of electronic balloting at our upcoming SoCal Classic Speech and Debate Tournament.
What This Means for You
Judges: If electronic balloting is implemented, you will have the option to submit your ballots and feedback directly through a smartphone or other internet-enabled device. This process will streamline the tournament by providing immediate results to the tabulation team, while also allowing you more time to craft thoughtful, detailed comments for competitors.
Competitors: Electronic balloting will help the tournament run more smoothly, ensuring that rounds proceed efficiently and that results are posted promptly.
Decision Timeline
A final decision regarding the use of electronic balloting will be made by February 5, 2025. As we approach this date, please check back here for updates. If we move forward, detailed instructions and additional resources will be provided well in advance.
What to Consider Now
Training and Support
Should we adopt electronic balloting, training sessions will be available to help judges become familiar with the process. Our team will be on hand in our Judges Lounge to answer any questions, ensure everyone is comfortable with the system, and provide support during the tournament.
Thank you for your flexibility and willingness to embrace innovative tools that enhance the quality and efficiency of our tournament. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated!
QualifyingDramatic Interpretation
QualifyingDuo Interpretation
QualifyingMars Hill
QualifyingOpen Interpretation
QualifyingOriginal Oratory
QualifyingHumorous Interpretation
QualifyingSlam Poetry
QualifyingLincoln Douglas
QualifyingTeam Policy
QualifyingParliamentary Debate
QualifyingJunior Apologetics
JuniorsJunior Duo
JuniorsJunior Interp
JuniorsJunior Platform
JuniorsEx Nihilo Speech and Debate Club invites you to participate in a NITOC-qualifying tournament at Concordia University in Irvine, California. This tournament is sanctioned by STOA and will include all speech and debate events.
Stoa is a national high school and junior high speech and debate organization serving the needs of privately educated, Christian homeschooling families. See StoaUSA.org for league information.
Feb 27 - Mar 1, 2025
Concordia University Irvine
1530 Concordia,
Irvine, CA 92612
Events offered:
Lincoln Douglas, Team Policy, Parliamentary Debate
Limited Prep: Apologetics, Extemporaneous, Impromptu, Mars Hill
Interpretation: Dramatic, Duo, Humorous, Open
Platform: Expository, Original Oratory, Persuasive
Wildcard: Slam Poetry
Junior Speech (6-12 yrs as of Sept 30, 2024): Apol, Interp (including Duo), Platform
Speech Pattern A:
Speech Pattern B:
Tournament schedule as posted is tentative and will be confirmed at close of registration. Competitors may enter up to six speech events, and/or up to three events in each speech pattern.
Registration opens December 18, 2024, 8:00am PST. Registration typically fills very quickly; we recommend registering as soon as possible! Our regular registration window closes Dec 31st, 11:59pm PST; however, we will accommodate late registrations, space permitting, Jan 1st - Jan 8th, with an additional fee of $15 per student.
Interested in receiving early registration access? Our team leads are looking for volunteers! Signing up for 12 hours of volunteer service as a part of our tournament staff will give you registration access ahead of general registration. Email us at tournament@nihilo.club for additional information.
Drop Fees and Refunds:
Refunds will be issued for changes in registration prior to Dec 31st, 11:59pm PST.
Beginning January 1st, all dropped events will be charged a drop fee of $15.
Within two weeks of the tournament, beginning Feb 13th, the additional drop fee increases to $25 per event dropped.
Drop fees must be paid prior to check-in in order to maintain eligibility for other events. On-site drop fees will be paid at student check-in prior to tournament start. For event drops, please email tournament@nihilo.club
If an event is 'waitlist only,' please register under the waitlist and we will update via email if/when event becomes available. We will work to allocate our resources based on demand.
Registration notes:
Registration is not complete until payment has been received.
Payment option will appear at end of registration process via Stripe. Events not paid in full at close of tournament registration window will be dropped.
A minimum of one parent judge must be registered in order to complete registration.
A team is not registered until both partners are registered.
Each registered family is to have a minimum of one parent judging each day of the tournament, judging a minimum of 2 rounds per registered event. These events are made possible by our parent judges. Please help us by being available and willing to judge throughout the tournament.
Stoa Membership is required for tournament participation.
Competitors must be ages 12 to 18 as of October 1st of the current season, must be privately home-educated, and parent members must agree with Stoa Statement of Faith (see competitor eligibility requirements).
Script Submission will be open as of 8am on Feb 11th, and will close firmly at 11:59pm on Feb 18th. Please be aware that late scripts will not be accepted.
For tournament registration questions please email tournament@nihilo.club.
For general and Ex Nihilo club questions please email info@nihilo.club.
Thank you!
Ex Nihilo Tournament Team