Tournament Time
7:55 AM Central

Debate competitor lists are published. Please select "Entries" from the menu and choose the debate event from the drop down menu.



No Experience Required – Training Provided

2 to 3-Hour Time Commitment

Select from a variety of judging times each day.

March 12-15

Tournament Location

Dallas Baptist University

3000 Mountain Creek Parkway

Dallas, Texas 75211

Google Maps


Tournament Questions?

Please contact Invictus Fides at


The Texas Escalade will feature Lincoln Douglas, Team Policy, and Parliamentary Debate 

and all Stoa Speech events.


Pattern A Speech Events

Apologetics, Dramatic Interpretation, Duo Interpretation, Expository, Impromptu, Persuasive

Pattern B Speech Events

Extemporaneous, Humorous Interpretation, Mars Hill, Open Interpretation, Original Oratory, Slam Poetry


If you would like to know more about Stoa events, please visit the Stoa website for event descriptions!

Stoa Speech and Debate Event Descriptions

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in Your sight, Lord." Psalm 19:14


Tournament Fees

$30 per family - Family Registration Fee

$45 per debate event

$30 for first speech event 

$15 for each additional speech event

Students may not exceed four speech events per pattern.

Drop fees begin February 21st. Please see Important Registration Information for more details.

After February 7th, event fees are not refundable.

All balances are due March 7th.

Unpaid registrations will be dropped after this date.


The Texas Escalade is an official Stoa qualifying tournament hosted by Invictus Fides Speech and Debate Club.