Tournament Time
7:14 AM Eastern

Important Competitor Registration Information!

Before you attempt to register, please make sure that your StoaHub account is complete with all of your competitors and parent judges listed under "My Family" on your account. Please confirm that your account is paid as well.

Interritus Speech and Debate

is proud to host

The Pumpkin Patch Match will offer all speech and debate events.

The Tournament location is:

Southside Baptist Church

1332 Zebulon Rd, Griffin, GA 30224

Google Location

Important Information:

  • Registration Opens on October 1st, at 8am eastern time.
  • Registration Closes October 15th.
  • A drop fee of $15.00 will be charged per event after the 15th.
  • Late fee of $25 will be added to all unpaid or late registrations after the registration period closes.


We are learning the new tournament registration processes alongside you! We appreciate your patience as we learn to navigate the new StoaHub software together!

Parent Attendance
Please see the Parent Page for parent requirements. Remember this is not a drop off event. You are expected to remain at the event with your student. If you are unable to do so, you need to arrange for another adult over the age of 20 to stay with them.