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Ephesians 4:29 exists to help students learn the skills necessary to confidently share their faith. Our goal is to prepare students to be resolute in...
Independent club from Ventura County, California, thriving off adventure and driving two additional laps around round-abouts
Ex Nihilo is a non-profit and independent forensics (speech and debate) club, training students to Speak – Defend – Proclaim the general and specific revelation...
EXCELLENCE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY extends our commitment to providing quality educational experiences to homeschool students in grades 4 through 12. Our academy offers a diverse range...
Small but mighty! Learning to speak eloquently in a rocky world!
Training young minds to Fear God, Love others, Always be prepared to Make a defense, and Encourage each other in the San Luis Valley of...
F5 provides students with speech and debate training and experience with a Christ-centered focus to sharpen their skills for God's glory!
We are a Stoa Speech & Debate club serving homeschool students in Central Nebraska.
We travel full-time in an RV and love speaking and debating.
The name of the club is inspired by the biblical symbolism of "fire and winds," which represent the powerful and transformative nature of communicating God's...
Our club's goal is to advance Christ's kingdom by educating and encouraging youth through competitive speech and debate. We are explicitly Christian in our worldview...
Located in Rogers, AR, we offer Senior Speech & Debate and Junior Speech. We place a heavy focus on Apologetics from a historic, Christian Worldview.