Tournament Time
6:15 AM Central

The Big Muddy Bash 2024 - October 10-12, 2024


A Full Debate & Limited Prep Speech Tournament

  • Plus Junior Debate & Junior Limited Prep Speech Tournament on Saturday

Hosted by - ARCH South County & ARCH St. Charles 

***(ARCH has 2 Clubs in St. Louis)

The City of St. Louis was founded at the spot where the Missouri River, a.k.a. "Big Muddy" flows into the Mississippi River. St. Louis is famous for this location just like it is for the St. Louis ARCH, and thus we have named our new fall St. Louis tournament the "Big Muddy" Bash (BMB).

Tournament Starts:  Thursday afternoon, October 10th at 12:30 PM.

Tournament Ends:  Saturday, October 12th, hopefully by 6:00 PM.

Registration Opens: Thursday, September 12, 2024 at 9:00 AM (CST)

Registration Closes: Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 11:00 PM

  • A completed registration, with payment, is due by this date.

What does registration entail?

  • Register for Speech & Debate Events
  • Register for our Juniors Tournament Events 
  • Sign up for our Tournament Meals

Because of judging shortages...

Every student MUST HAVE their parent present as chaperone, unless you have tournament director approval. If you want to request sending your child/student with another person/family, please email the Tournament Director, Jeremy Zilkie,

PLEASE NOTE: We are only including the 4 Limited Prep Speeches, so there is only one speech pattern at this tournament.

Wait List: If events fill up during registration. Do not worry. Go ahead and finish your registration. We leave some open rooms to make sure we allocate students to the right categories based on our final registration. This is not a guarantee that you will be removed from the wait list, but know that starting on the wait list is not necessarily an indicator that you won't get your event. However, those who have a completed registration will be given priority for all available event slots as they open up.


Parliamentary Debate
Team Policy Debate
Lincoln Douglas Debate
Limited Prep Speech Events

Junior Debate (Saturday)
Junior Limited Prep Speech Events (Saturday):

  • Junior Apol
  • Junior Impromptu
  • Junior Story Reading
  • Junior Bible Story Impromptu

PLEASE NOTE: Speech Patterns may change up until registration begins.

For Speech And Debate Event information visit (
For Debate Event information visit (

There are more details coming...
Please contact Jeremy Zilkie at with any questions.