Tournament Time
9:24 AM Eastern


(Click links below)

Speech Judge Orientation video

Team Policy (TP) & Lincoln Douglas (LD) Debate Video

**Community judges - register by clicking on the community & alumni judge registration link on the left hand side of this page!**


This is a Stoa Modeled Tournament. 
StoaUSA rules for Events, Eligibility, and Dress Code will be followed.

For Speech Event information visit
For Debate Event information visit

Registration Fees
Lincoln Douglas - $40
Speech - $25 for the first event; $20 for each subsequent event

A Completed Registration Includes:
  Student Registration
  Parent Judge Registration

All students must have a parent or adult chaperone present to staff or judge at the tournament.
If a parent cannot attend, prior approval and an alternative contribution must be arranged with the tournament director for the student to participate. 

  • Chaperones may only cover 2 students; exception is granted to families with more than two children. Each parent will be responsible for judging at least 6 rounds. (See Parent Page for more details.)
  • Parent signatures (or the designated chaperone's signature) will be required at the student check-in for all participants. Parents are expected to remain present throughout the tournament to take ballots.
  • 2024-2025 judge training will be available online (see above) and also as needed at the tournament throughout the day.
  • Every parent should come to the ballot table 30 minutes before each round to ensure sufficient judges are balloted. Although we ask you to sign up for a specific judging time slot, please don't leave the balloting area until ALL the ballots have been distributed. You may be needed for a round outside of your scheduled time.
  • Students not fulfilling their judging obligations may be disqualified from the tournament. Thank you for your cooperation.

Please Note: Full payment is expected by the close of registration. After the close date, there will be an added $30 late charge as long as full payment is made within the week after registration closes. If full payment is not received by one full week after registration closes, the student will be dropped from all events with no opportunity to be added back in.

Refund Policy
Before registration closes - adds and drops will not incur any extra fees, and all drops will be fully refunded. 
After registration closes - no refunds will be made and drops will incur a fee of $15.00 per event.

TORCH​ stands for Together On the Road for Christ's Honor

All the kings of the earth shall give you thanks, O Lord,

for they have heard the words of your mouth,

and they shall sing of the ways of the Lord,

for great is the glory of the Lord.

Psalm 138: 4-5