Please read the instructions from Stoa carefully and be sure to complete the form and prepare/copy the correct pages to submit with the form.
Competitors who do not submit a script will not be allowed to compete.
Initial Script Submission Opens: February 28th
Initial Script Submission Closes: March 18th by 11:59pm
Script submission corrections: Scripts must be corrected within 48 hours of notice. Please carefully monitor your email after you submit your script. You will either receive an approval email or a request for corrections. Script corrections will close on March 22nd. If your script needs corrections, your script must be corrected no later than this date. Failure to resubmit on time will result in the student being dropped from the event with no refund.
Watch the tutorial!
Just 6 minutes will save you loads of time!
Rapid Review YouTube
How to Submit Scripts Electronically: Steps 1-5
1. READ THE RULES for your speech event here.
3. PREPARE your SCRIPT SUBMISSION FORM with your parent or someone at your club. This can be done online. Include initials and signatures. BE SURE "Carry the TORCH" is listed as the tournament.
4. COMBINE each speech into a single file in PDF only. Scan into a single file (you can use your phone for this!)
Suggestions for phone scanning:
Download and use a PDF phone scanner app like Adobe App. The Notes app on Iphone is also PDF converter.
Suggestions for editing and merging your documents
Adobe PDF Editor
Adobe Reader
5. ONLY 1 FILE PER SPEECH: PDF only. Combine files before proceeding.
NAME FILE: Event - Lastname, Firstname.pdf (from the computer before proceeding) Use event abbrevations: OO, Pers, OI, Duo, SP
5. SUBMIT SCRIPTS WITH THE SUBJECT LINE: Event abbv. (OO, Pers, OI, Duo, SP) - Lastname, Firstname to --TORCHSCRIPTS@GMAIL.COM
If you have script submission questions, please direct them to: