Spur Speech & Debate Club (CO) - Jan 30 - Feb 1, 2025 | Status: Completed | 9:39 PM Mountain
Community Judge registration will open at 12:00 pm Mon 12/02/2024 (Mountain)
Tournament Status will update to Open at 6:00 pm Mon 12/30/2024 (Mountain)
Tournament Status will update to Drops only at 12:00 am Mon 01/06/2025 (Mountain)
Tournament Status will update to Closed at 12:00 am Mon 01/13/2025 (Mountain)
Meal registration will close at 5:45 pm Sun 01/19/2025 (Mountain)
Community Judge registration will close at 9:00 pm Sat 02/01/2025 (Mountain)
This status is used while the tournament is still being setup.
This status means tournament registration is open. Families can register for the tournament.
This status means only registration drops are allowed. There are no new entries allowed but families can drop entries.
This status means registration is currently closed for the tournament. There are no adds or drops allowed. Please contact the tournament director with any questions.
This status means the tournament is completed.
If you would like to request host housing for Western Slope Rendezvous, please contact our Host Housing Coordinator, Sara Morgan, at saraannmorgan@gmail.com. We will do our very best to accomodate you. Requests will be filled on a first-come, first serve basis.
There are also a great number of hotels out by the regional airport where rooms can be rented there for as little as $50 to $75 a night. A quick search on Priceline showed the 3.5 star Grand Vista Hotel for $53 a night. The Quality Inn is $62 a night. The La Quinta is $74 a night. These hotels are all 15 minutes or less driving time from our tournament facilities.
WSR Script Submission is now CLOSED. Only scripts that are currently in process will continue to be reviewed. The link will remain open in order to receive these corrected scripts through Sunday, January 26, 11pm (MST). This means that you may no longer submit initial/first time scripts. No late scripts will be accepted. DO NOT SUBMIT AN INITIAL SCRIPT USING THE CORRECTED SCRIPT OPTION.
WHO needs to submit scripts? Competitors who are entered in all Interpretive, Platform, and Wild Card speeches.
· Interpretive Speeches: Dramatic, Duo, Humorous, Open
· Platform Speeches: Expository, Original Oratory, Persuasive
· Wild Card Speech: Slam Poetry
Script Submission Opens: Tuesday, January 14, 2025, 10am (MST)
Script Submission Closes: Thursday, January 23, 2025, 11pm (MST)
Approval Deadline: All scripts MUST be approved on or before Monday, January 27, 2025, 7:00pm (MST) in order to be eligible for competition in that event.
ALL scripts MUST be submitted electronically by the above closure date AND approved on or before the approval deadline. NO LATE SCRIPTS WILL BE ACCEPTED. Scripts not in compliance by the approval deadline will be dropped from that event with no refund.
Our reviewers communicate via email, so it is imperative that you check your email frequently once you have submitted. You will only have 24 hours to make your necessary corrections and resubmit your script for approval. Please be respectful of this timeframe and prompt in working with your reviewer.
HOW can I be make sure my speeches are submitted correctly? Follow all of the guidelines below, using the HELPS provided, and you will be on your way to a speedy approval!
1. WATCH this TUTORIAL, YES, even if you've watched it in the past. Knowing EXACTLY what to do simplifies the review/approval process for your reviewer and you!
2. READ THE RULES for your event.
· Dramatic Interpretation Rules
· Humorous Interpretation Rules
Submission Rules & Forms - 2024-2025
· Duo Interpretation Script Submission 2024-2025
· Dramatic Interpretation Script Submission 2024-2025
· Humorous Interpretation Script Submission 2024-2025
· Open Interpretation Script Submission 2024-2025
· Platform Script Submission 2024-2025
· Slam Poetry Submission 2024-2025
4. Prepare your script and submission form WITH your parent or coach. Include ALL initials and ALL signatures. Submission forms MUST have the current tournament listed!
5. COMBINE each speech into a SINGLE file in PDF format only. You may scan into single file or use a file joiner. We recommend the App, Genius Scan, for scanning from your phone and the file joiner, ADOLIX, which is a free download to your computer.
REMINDER: Please title your file correctly, using the instructions given on the TUTORIAL.
6. When you have completed all of the above, you may submit your script(s) HERE.
HELP RESOURCES for Script Submission:
The Stoa NITOC dress code will be enforced throughout the duration of the tournament for all competitors, regardless of whether or not the competitor is still actively competing at any given tournament. If a competitor's attire is not in compliance with the Stoa NITOC dress code, per the Stoa NITOC guidance, the competitor will be asked to come into compliance with the dress code. A student will not be allowed to participate in competition or awards without compliance.
Additional dress code requirements & clarifications for WSR
Polished, dress cowboys boots are deemed in compliance with the dress code as dress shoes.
Shirts should not gap or show cleavage. This must be observed even during vigorous activities like interpretation speeches.
Professional business attire for Gentlemen: Suit or slacks and blazer jacket, collared shirt and tie, professional dress shoes and socks.
Professional business attire for Ladies: Skirt or pantsuit or slacks with a blazer, skirt with a blazer, or dress with a blazer. No leggings or tights as pants. Hemlines and slits no higher than middle of the knee. Hose optional and professional dress shoes.
We will be hosting a junior tournament on Saturday. Each junior competitor may compete in up to 3 events. The cost is $10 per event. Our Junior Tournament is being prepped by the Marveous Miss Maggie Carabelos. The JT will be facilitated by Jill Businelle. Questions prior to tournament can be directed to Rebekah Zeerip at pampushka@hotmail.com.
Junior Apologetics Questions
Apologetics Topics
Explain the meaning and significance of the holiness of God.
Explain the meaning and significance of the justice of God.
Explain the meaning and significance of the mercy of God.
Category 2: SCRIPTURES
Why can we trust the Bible?
What is the purpose of man?
What is the destiny of man?
Why does man need salvation?
Do good people go to heaven?
Define and defend the significance of the deity of Christ.
Define and defend the significance of Jesus as the Messiah.
Colorado weather if anything is unpredictable. The tournament will go forward if at all possible. If inclement weather requires the tournament to delay rounds on a particular day or close, we will proceed the following day with a modified schedule. Please check this registration website for updates regarding weather. Notification Emails may also be sent to registered participants and judges.
We apologize, but no refunds will be made for weather-related cancellations.
As a Stoa endorsed event, the Stoa Student Code of Conduct will be observed during WSR. The code of conduct is outlined here: https://www.stoausa.org/membership
Additional expectations for Western Slope Tournament:
Tournaments cannot happen without parents! Thank you for your commitment! We are grateful for you! Outlined here are the expectatations for parents regarding their children & judging.
Regarding CHILDREN:
Regarding JUDGING:
*To determine the total number of rounds required for a student or family, all the speech and debate judge requirements are added together. However, we will observe the following caps on judging slots per family: For 1-2 students competing in a family the maximum judge slots will be 15 and for 3 or more students competing in a family the maximum judge slots will be 20.*
If you are unable to attend, fill out the Western Rendezvous Waiver for your child(ren) at this link https://waiver.smartwaiver.com/v/wsr2025/ The Chapereone needs to have access to this document either digitally or physically for the entirety of the tournament. You will receive a link to download the waiver after it has been filled out. We suggest you download the document and email it to your chaperone.
Corrie Ten Boom tells a story in her book The Hiding Place about when she was young and asked her dad a question about a topic that was beyond her innocence and years. She recounted,
"[My father] turned to look at me, as he always did when answering a question, but, to my surprise, he said nothing. At last he stood up, lifted his traveling case from the rack over our heads, and set it on the floor.
"Will you carry it off the train, Corrie?
"I stood up and tugged at it. It was crammed with watches and spare parts he had purchased that morning.
"It's too heavy, I said.
"Yes, he said, and it would be a pretty poor father who would ask his little girl to carry such a load. It's the same way, Corrie, wth knowledge. Some knowledge is too heavy for children. When you are older and stronger, you can bear it. For now you must trust me to carry it for you."
I Cor. 8:9 (NLT) "But you must be careful so that your freedom does not cause others with a weaker conscience to stumble."
At WSR, we understand that many speeches that are impactful and important *may* contain information or portray scenes that, while true, contain themes and/or words that are not appropriate for all ages and audiences.
Examples of this include, but are not limited to: stories of torture or imprisonment (even Christian ones), stories involving topics like suicide, drugs, violence, or abuse (even if they are part of a Christian testimony), examples of modern day slavery/trafficking, or stories involving any kind of vulgar language.
We are not trying to close every loophole in this short explanation, rather we are asking our competitors to err on the side of caution in a spirit of Christian love. With this in mind, if there is ANY REASONABLE POSSIBILITY that a speech may contain words, themes or scenes that may not be appropriate for every age and maturity level, the competitor is required to give a speech disclaimer before beginning their speech regardless of the age or number of peope in the room.
The speech disclaimer is as follows: “This speech may contain content not appropriate for all audiences."
If there appear to be any children in the room, please give them and their parents a moment to choose whether to exit before continuing.
Duo Interpretation
QualifyingHumorous Interpretation
QualifyingMars Hill
QualifyingSlam Poetry
QualifyingDramatic Interpretation
QualifyingOpen Interpretation
QualifyingOriginal Oratory
QualifyingLincoln Douglas
QualifyingTeam Policy
QualifyingJunior Apologetics
JuniorsJunior Duo Interp
JuniorsJunior Impromptu
JuniorsJunior Interp
JuniorsJunior Platform
JuniorsStarts | Ends | Name |
7:00 am | 8:00 am | Student Check-in |
8:00 am | 8:30 am | Announcements & Devotions |
8:30 am | 10:30 am | TP/LD Debate Round 1 |
10:30 am | 12:30 pm | Speech Round 1A |
11:00 am | 1:00 pm | Lunch |
12:30 pm | 2:30 pm | TP/LD Debate Round 2 |
2:30 pm | 4:30 pm | Speech Round 1B |
4:30 pm | 6:30 pm | TP/LD Debate Round 3 |
5:00 pm | 7:00 pm | Dinner |
6:30 pm | 8:30 pm | Speech Round 2A |
Starts | Ends | Name |
7:30 am | 8:00 am | Announcements & Devotions |
8:00 am | 10:00 am | TP/LD Debate Round 4 |
10:00 am | 12:00 pm | Speech Round 2B |
11:00 am | 1:00 pm | Lunch |
12:00 pm | 2:00 pm | TP/LD Debate Round 5 |
2:00 pm | 4:00 pm | Speech Round 3A |
4:00 pm | 6:00 pm | TP/LD Debate Round 6 |
5:00 pm | 7:00 pm | Dinner |
6:00 pm | 8:00 pm | Speech Round 3B |
Starts | Ends | Name |
7:30 am | 8:00 am | Announcements & Devotions |
8:00 am | 10:00 am | TP/LD Debate Quarterfinals |
9:00 am | 11:00 am | Junior Tournament Round 1 |
10:00 am | 12:00 pm | Speech Semifinals |
11:30 am | 1:30 pm | Junior Tournament Round 2 |
11:00 am | 1:00 pm | Lunch |
12:00 pm | 2:00 pm | TP/LD Debate Semifinals |
2:30 pm | 4:30 pm | Junior Tournament Round 3 |
2:00 pm | 4:00 pm | Speech Finals |
4:00 pm | 6:00 pm | TP/LD Debate Finals |
5:00 pm | 6:30 pm | Dinner |
7:00 pm | 8:00 pm | Award Ceremony in Chapel |
8:00 pm | 9:30 pm | Ballot Party & Ice Cream Sundae Bar in Chapel Reception Hall |